[CANUFNET] Tree Hazard Abatement Strategy for Municipalities

Elaine Ethier elaine.ethier at umontreal.ca
Mon Nov 20 11:42:33 EST 2023


The provinces most important newspaper reported a significant quizz : how many Red Oak trees were cut down following resident’s request on a given street in Quebec City, ou province’s capital.

Combien d’arbres à maturité et en santé ont été coupés par la Ville de Québec à la demande d’automobilistes ?

35. Ces chênes rouges d’une trentaine d’années en parfaite santé ont été abattus dans le secteur de Loretteville au début de novembre, à la demande de citoyens se plaignant que la chute des glands endommageait leur véhicule, rue Bazire. La Ville de Québec justifie aussi la coupe par la présence dans les arbres de pucerons sécrétant du miellat, une substance collante qui dégoutte sur ce qui se trouve sous l’arbre et forme des champignons. La Ville s’engage à planter 35 nouveaux arbres d’une essence à déterminer à l’automne 2024.

Translation :

35 Red Oaks in perfect condition. Residents complained that acorns were damaging their cars as well as the gummy residue from aphids. The officials promise to plant 35 new diversified specimens at the fall od 2024.

I have a hard time with the cities decision as the environmental biomass benefits have not been transmitted. It must imply the their urban tree policy is very old. Older than the thirty year old oaks.

Elaine Ethier
Milieu de vie - foresterie urbaine

Le 15 nov. 2023 à 12:55, Elaine Ethier <elaine.ethier at umontreal.ca> a écrit :

 Street hazard trees postings could attract drivers attention plus could lead to human factor security. Parc, municipal golf courses, aérobic corridors must be regularly assessed and dealt with.

Wind storm, ventury effects, any kind of gusty wind or rain storm, etc. Must not lead to humans running away. That is contrary to security training.

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 15 nov. 2023 à 12:35, Bill Pollock via CANUFNET <canufnet at list.web.net> a écrit :

Put up signs in public places to warn of the danger ie "in the event of strong winds evacuate immediately"

On Wed, Nov 15, 2023, 07:57 Joerg Hettmann via CANUFNET <canufnet at list.web.net<mailto:canufnet at list.web.net>> wrote:
Our municipality is looking into developing a tree hazard abatement strategy for various public spaces such as boulevards, trails, parks, recreational areas as well as woodlot and private property boundaries.  This is in response to the incidents at Trinity Bellwood Park in Toronto where falling trees and/or branches have hurt residents.

I would welcome any experience or strategies you may have in dealing with tree hazards.

Thank you in advance for any advise.

Joerg Hettmann
[cid:image255020.png at E8409EC3.D1130A56]
Joerg Hettmann​

Supervisor, Forestry
Parks & Facility Services
905-953-5300 x2573<tel:905-953-5300%20x2573>     |
jhettmann at newmarket.ca<mailto:jhettmann at newmarket.ca>
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