[CANUFNET] Please post on Canufnet and THANK YOUI!

Toni Ellis toniellis828 at gmail.com
Fri May 24 18:03:04 EDT 2024

Upcoming CEU Opportunity
Why and How to Retain Mature Trees on the Urban Landscape
Full day workshop will be a mixture of lecture, case studies and field learning (including tomography)  in Fergus Ontario.
Led by Philip van Wassenaer, Master of Forest Conservation and the principal consultant for Urban Forest Innovations  specializing in the preservation, enhancement, and management of the urban forest using a research and science-based approach.
$175 includes lunch, handouts, a full day of learning  and 7 CEUs.
For more info and to register: visit TreeTrust.ca <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fTreeTrust.ca&c=E,1,bFFoLLFeAOiidT2zWYz-cpZ9XJAHPliXO591QHXdNlCL5Rog5P1q68YnN3keHEsiyN-jn9uuqEvudTUgnCzUNctD90OcSPC0x6-KR5Gzrqx7Esntn80,&typo=1&ancr_add=1>
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