Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Thu May 31 15:05:54 EDT 2007

FYI UPDATE on Community Action from Shellie Bird - Council Priority Setting 
From: Dominique Paris-MacKay
Coordonnatrice communautaire à la lutte contre la pauvreté
Anti-Poverty Community Coordinator 
-----Original Message-----
From: Shellie Bird [mailto:cupe2204 at on.aibn.com] 
Sent: 31 mai 2007 10:40
To: Shellie Bird

What's City Council Up To? An Update

We are still attending the Council Priority Setting Meetings whether 
they take place at City Hall, a Golf Course or Lansdowne Park! If 
possible take an hour to attend a session (see the schedule online: 
http://www.imagineottawa.ca/CSPS_Schedule). Let Council know residents 
are listening and watching!

Mark the following dates in your calendar:
* June 22 "Priority Setting Summary Report" will be discussed at a 
Council meeting at City Hall, 9:00 a.m.
* June 25th "What is City Council Up To" - Public Forum 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. 
Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Avenue.
* July 9th Delegations to Council Meeting of the Whole - 9:00 a.m. City 
Hall (this is our opportunity to let Council know what we think about 
their priorities)
* July 11th Council to decide on City priority setting

Actions to Take:

1. Please go to www.imagineottawa.ca and sign the online letter ("Our 
City's Future / L'Avenir de notre Ville"). Encourage family, friends and 
co-workers to sign on too! Here are the links, for the English, French 
and Spanish versions of the online letter:

[EN] Our City's Future 

[FR] L'avenir de notre Ville 

[ES] El Futuro de Nuestra Ciudad 

2. Please download the PDF/paper version of the open letter (French, 
English, and Spanish) and help your community sign-on. We are hoping 
that community agencies will work to get the open letter circulated 
through your agency. Can you make them available at the reception desk 
with a box to collect them? We will need the letters returned by July 
3rd to: Shellie at 500-280 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa ON K2P 1R7 OR bring 
them to the Public Forum on June 25th.

3. Send an email to your Councillor and ask them to hold meaningful 
public discussions on the priority setting and to protect services and 
quality of life in our City.

4. Take part in the public forum: "What's City Council Up To" - June 
25th, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Avenue. On-site child 
care is available (register for child care by June 21, call Shellie at 

5. Please download and post/circulate the forum poster (French to 
follow). We need you to help us get people out to this important event. 
This will be your opportunity to hear about what the priority setting 
might mean for our City and to talk about your priorities. Join a 
postering party - contact Mike at helios at ncf.ca or 613-567-7244, if 
you're able to help poster.


Lynne Browne 
Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness 
147 Besserer Street, Ottawa ON  K1N 6A7 
613-241-7913 x 205, lbrowne at ysb.on.ca 

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