[homeles_ot-l] Fwd: Sign on for Poverty Reduction

Terrie mocharebyl at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 10:01:36 EDT 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: 25in5 <25in5 at cspc.toronto.on.ca>
Date: Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 9:52 AM
Subject: Sign on for Poverty Reduction
To: Mary Micallef <mmary at cspc.toronto.on.ca>

 It*s time for action on poverty reduction.

Endorse the 25 in 5  Declaration today.

The next few months will be critical as the Ontario government designs

its anti-poverty strategy.   In its founding Declaration, the 25 in 5

campaign has laid out three priorities for a Poverty Reduction


1.     good, sustaining jobs that lift working Ontarians out of poverty;

2.     liveable incomes that adequately support those unable to work; and,

3.     strong and supportive communities -- affordable housing, child

care, public education and community programs that help people connect.

Mark your calendars.  During the week of October 13 - 17, 2008, the 25

in 5 campaign will be promoting a week of action on poverty reduction

across the province.

We are calling on friends and allies in groups and organizations across

the province to join us as we affirm our belief that a poverty-free

Ontario is possible.   Demonstrate your support for a poverty free

Ontario and for the bold first steps required to get us there:

*           Endorse the 25 in 5 Declaration - you can view the document at


*           Organize and host an event in your community during the week of

action and show your support for a bold poverty reduction strategy for

Ontario; and

*           Plan to attend the 25 in 5 event in Toronto on the evening of

October 17, 2008 (details to follow).

Further information on the week of action and the Toronto event will be

forwarded in the coming weeks.  In the meantime, if you would like to

connect with us, and/or endorse the 25 in 5 Declaration, please contact:

Mike Balkwill (mbalkwill at iasc.on.ca) or

Jennifer Posthumus (jposthu at toronto.ca) or

Peter Clutterbuck (pclutterbuck at rogers.com).

Show your support for a poverty-free Ontario.

Forward this message through your networks, and join the 25 in 5

campaign today.

Terrie ( mocharebyl at gmail.com )
"If you see an injustice being committed, you aren't an observer, you are a
participant." June Callwood
Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and
renders the present inaccessible. Maya Angelou
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