[homeles_ot-l] PovNet: Stats Canada Low Income and Inequality Reports, Federal Budget 2008 Resources, Income and inequality on the Stats Canada ( Low Income Cut-Offs).

lj1967 at sympatico.ca lj1967 at sympatico.ca
Tue Mar 18 14:50:59 EDT 2008




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      Stats Canada Low Income and Inequality Reports<http://www.povnet.org/node/2662>
      March 14, 2008 - 7:04pm
      You can find information, reports, studies, publications, stats and more on low income and inequality on the Stats Canada site<http://cansim2.statcan.ca/cgi-win/cnsmcgi.pgm?Lang=E&SP_Action=Sub&SP_ID=3874>.

      ( categories: Online Resources | Canada | Poverty Research )
      Low Income Cut-Offs<http://www.povnet.org/node/2661>
      March 14, 2008 - 7:00pm
      LICOs (Low Income Cut-Offs)<http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census06/reference/dictionary/fam020.cfm> are published by Stats Canada and defined as an income threshold below which a family will likely devote a larger share of its income on the necessities of food, shelter and clothing than the average family. There is an easy to read Before-Tax Low Income Cut-Off graph for 2004<http://www.ccsd.ca/factsheets/fs_lico04_bt.htm> on the Canadian Council on Social Development site. You can also read Stats Canada's most recent report: Low income cut-offs for 2006 and low income measures for 2005<http://www.statcan.ca/english/research/75F0002MIE/75F0002MIE2007004.htm> (in PDF).

      ( categories: News | Canada | Poverty Research )
      Echoes of Inner City Voices<http://www.povnet.org/node/2658>
      March 9, 2008 - 12:10pm
      Echoes of Inner City Voices<http://ius.uwinnipeg.ca/WIRA/PDF/Echoes-of-Inner-City-Voices.pdf> (in PDF) is a follow up report to a series of stories that ran in the Winnipeg Free Press between 1997 and 1999. The series tried to give a voice to inner city people. The recent report looks at how the inner city and the lives of inner city people have changed, as well as providing statistics on the inner city and commentary on the effectiveness of policies and programs.

      ( categories: News | Manitoba | Poverty Research )
      Winnipeg Inner City Research Alliance<http://www.povnet.org/node/2657>
      March 9, 2008 - 12:03pm
      Winnipeg Inner City Research Alliance<http://ius.uwinnipeg.ca/WIRA/wira_overview.htm> is a group of academics and community partners who came together to create a forum to exchange ideas and a way to respond to inner-city issues, including housing, community development, cross-cultural approaches to education, child and youth issues, health and economic development. The website has resources, information on research projects, and publications.

      ( categories: Online Resources | Manitoba | Poverty Research )
      Federal Budget 2008 Resources<http://www.povnet.org/node/2656>
      March 9, 2008 - 11:10am
      Federal Budget 2008 Resources:

        a.. Federal Budget 2008<http://www.budget.gc.ca/2008/home-accueil-eng.asp> 
        b.. Wellesley Institute's Federal Pre-Budget Backgrounder<http://wellesleyinstitute.com/wellesley-institutes-federal-pre-budget-backgrounder> 
        c.. CCPA Federal Budget 2008 Analysis<http://www.policyalternatives.ca/Reports/2008/03/ReportsStudies1843/index.cfm?pa=19933261> 
        d.. CCPA Alternative Federal Budget 2008<http://www.policyalternatives.ca/Reports/2008/02/ReportsStudies1828/index.cfm?pa=19933261> 
        e.. L'Alternative budgetaire pour le gouvernement fédéral en 2008<http://www.policyalternatives.ca/Reports/2008/02/ReportsStudies1827/index.cfm?pa=19933261> 
        f.. CBC Federal Budget 2008 : In Depth<http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/budget2008/> 
        g.. More links on the Canadian Social Research Newsletter March 8th, 2008 edition<http://www.canadiansocialresearch.net/personal/news020308.htm> 
        h.. Canadian Labour Congress Analysis of the 2008 Federal Budget<http://canadianlabour.ca/index.php/budget_analysis/1339> 
      ( categories: News | Canada | Economic Policy )
      2008 BC Budget and Poverty<http://www.povnet.org/node/2654>
      February 26, 2008 - 2:05pm
      Some articles and links related to poverty and the 2008 BC Budget:

        a.. BC's 2008 Budget<http://www.bcbudget.gov.bc.ca/2008/default.htm> 
        b.. Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance 2008 Budget Report<http://www.bcbudget.gov.bc.ca/2008/sp/pdf/ministry/eia.pdf> (in PDF) 
        c.. The Tyee - "Unspent Millions in Housing Fund"<http://thetyee.ca/News/2008/02/19/BurnFund/> and "'Landmark' Green Budget, with Some Brown Spots"<http://thetyee.ca/News/2008/02/20/Budget/> 
        d.. Federation of Post Secondary Educators - BC Budget 2008: An Exercise in Distraction<http://www.fpse.ca/prescomment/080221prescmnt> 
        e.. SPARC report - Still Left Behind<http://www.sparc.bc.ca/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_details&Itemid=110&gid=252> (in PDF) - A comparison of Living Costs and Employment Assistance Rates in British Columbia. Report findings indicate that families and individuals receiving income assistance from the province of B.C. are not able to meet their minimal monthly living costs.

        a.. Read more<http://www.povnet.org/node/2654> 
      ( categories: News | British Columbia | Economic Policy )
      Vancouver Housing Activists Make a Stand for Housing<http://www.povnet.org/node/2652>
      February 26, 2008 - 1:09pm
      Activists stood on various street corners in different areas of Vancouver to protest the provincial and federal governments' lack of initiative toward housing and homelessness. Watch a video about the Stand for Housing on HomelessNation<http://homelessnation.org/fr/node/7895>, and find out more about future events to protest the lack of affordable housing on the websites of the City Wide Housing Coalition<http://www.citywidehousingcoalition.org/>, the Save Low Income Housing Coalition<http://slihc.resist.ca/>, and the Lower Mainland Network for Affordable Housing<http://affordablehousingnetwork.ca/>.

      ( categories: News | British Columbia | Homelessness | Housing )
      BC HIV-AIDS Deaths due to Poverty<http://www.povnet.org/node/2650>
      February 26, 2008 - 11:29am
      A study done by the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV-AIDS has found that 40% of people who died of HIV-AIDS in BC never accessed treatment mainly due to poverty. The study found homelessness, mental illness, residency in a poor neighbourhood, drug addiction, and language barriers impacted patients access to treatment. Read more in CBC article, "B.C. study shows 40 per cent of HIV sufferers died without getting treatment."<>

      ( categories: News | British Columbia | Health )
      Canadian Prison Law<http://www.povnet.org/node/2647>
      February 21, 2008 - 1:33pm
      Canadian Prison Law<http://www.canadianprisonlaw.com/> is a resource site of prison law cases and of statues and legislation that involve prisoners and prisons.

      ( categories: Online Resources | Canada | Legal Research | Prisoners' Rights )
      February 21, 2008 - 1:22pm
      Prisonjustice.ca<http://prisonjustice.ca/> is a website with resources, links, articles, news in support of prisoners and prison justice activism in Canada.

      ( categories: Online Resources | Canada | Organizing | Poverty Research )
      Child Poverty Poisons the Brain<http://www.povnet.org/node/2642>
      February 21, 2008 - 1:06pm
      According to research presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, "poverty in early childhood poisons the brain." According to the research, children growing up in very poor families experience an unhealthy level of stress hormones that impair neural development. Read more in a article in the New York Times, "Poverty is Poison."<http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/18/opinion/18krugman.html?_r=1&adxnnl=1&oref=slogin&adxnnlx=1203627778-3mIKKng3hOKhuGvcWFvf3A>

      ( categories: News | United States | Children/Youth )
      Poorest Children Lost in Child Protection System<http://www.povnet.org/node/2641>
      February 21, 2008 - 1:01pm
      PIVOT Legal Society has released a report, Broken Promises: Parents Speak out About B.C.'s Child Welfare System<http://pivotlegal.org/pdfs/BrokenPromises.pdf> (in PDF), that finds children are all too often apprehended as the first form of intervention, even when there are safe alternatives. Based on interviews and affidavits from service providers, social workers, lawyers and, in particular, parents whose children are or have been involved with the child protection system, the report depicts a short-sighted, crisis driven child protection system.

      ( categories: News | British Columbia | Children/Youth | Family )
      Report on need for a Medium Term Sickness/Disability Income Benefit<http://www.povnet.org/node/2632>
      February 13, 2008 - 11:01am
      The Caledon Institute<http://www.caledoninst.org/> has released a policy paper, Canadians Need a Medium-Term Sickness/Disability Income Benefit (in PDF)<http://www.caledoninst.org/Publications/PDF/670ENG.pdf> discussing the possibility of a new sickness or disability benefit. The paper examines the current relationship between Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) disability benefits, and explores possibilities for stronger linkages between these programs.

      ( categories: News | Canada | Disability | Health | Workers' Rights )
      Anti-Poverty Organizing on Video on the Web<http://www.povnet.org/node/2631>
      February 13, 2008 - 10:24am
      More and more anti-poverty organizations and coalitions are using the web to broadcast videos of their work. Housing not War<http://housingnotwar.ca/>, a campaign to demand the federal government spend money on housing instead of war and militarism organized by anti-war organizations and anti-poverty organizations in Toronto, has a short video on YouTube, "Housing not Bombs,"<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KoQVM_PMb4> of their most recent demonstration. The Kensington Welfare Rights Union<http://www.kwru.org/>, a multiracial organization of, by and for poor and homeless people, has a video on YouTube, "Homeless Hero,"<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4ownH4dg3s> about homeless people organizing in the USA.

      ( categories: News | Canada | United States | Homelessness | Organizing )
      Public Compensation Coalition<http://www.povnet.org/node/2630>
      February 12, 2008 - 4:09pm
      Union members, injured worker advocates and others have created an organization, the Public Compensation Coalition<http://www.publiccompensation.ca/> to work towards restoring the balance and fairness to the workers' compensation system in BC and in Canada. The website has information on how to get involved and resources about the workers' compensation system.

      ( categories: Online Resources | British Columbia | Canada | Organizing | Workers' Rights )
      The Poverty Olympics<http://www.povnet.org/node/2620>
      January 30, 2008 - 11:31pm
      Poverty Olympics<http://povertyolympics.ca/> is a site put together by a group of concerned citizens and community groups who want the 2010 Winter Games' legacy to be one of reducing, not increasing, poverty and homelessness.

      ( categories: Online Resources | British Columbia | Homelessness | Organizing | Poorbashing )
      Street Newz<http://www.povnet.org/node/2617>
      January 30, 2008 - 11:05pm
      Street Newz<http://web.mac.com/bandcroft/iWeb/Victoria%20Street%20Newz/Welcome.html> is an alternative independent media site and street newsper out of Victoria that focuses on the root causes and effects of poverty, homelessness, and environmental degradation.

      ( categories: Online Resources | British Columbia | Homelessness | Media )
      Montreal Homeless Marathon<http://www.povnet.org/node/2615>
      January 30, 2008 - 11:00pm
      CKUT<http://ckut.ca/>, a community radio station out of McGill University, is hosting a Winter 2008: Homeless Marathon<http://www.ckut.ca/homeless.html> The sixth annual Homelessness Marathon will serve up 14 hours of people-powered radio, broadcasting this year from outside of the Native Friendship Center. With the goal of the Marathon is to provide an opportunity for homeless people and their supporters to take to the airwaves, and allow a nationwide discussion on homelessness issues and possible solutions.

      ( categories: News | Québec | Homelessness | Media )
      City Councillor Blocked from Women's Centre<http://www.povnet.org/node/2396>
      January 24, 2008 - 11:16am
      During the Governor General's tour of Vancouver's Downtown Eastside yesterday, women and residents blocked a local city councillor, Elizabeth Ball from entering the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre, a community centre and shelter for women, because of her party's inaction on affordable housing and policies on homelessness, poverty, and the Downtown Eastside. Read more on David Eby's blog<http://davideby.blogspot.com/>, and in a CBC article, "Governor General, councillor heckled in Downtown Eastside"<http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2008/01/24/gg-eastside.html>.

      ( categories: News | British Columbia | Homelessness | Women )
      Cities call on National Homelessness Plan<http://www.povnet.org/node/2394>
      January 24, 2008 - 10:53am
      The Federation of Canadian Municipalities<http://www.fcm.ca/> has called for a national action plan to end homelessness and deliver affordable housing<http://www.fcm.ca/english/media/press/jan232008.html>. Read more in a CBC article, "$3.35B needed each year for housing strategy, cities say"<http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2008/01/23/fcm-report.html>.

      ( categories: News | Canada | Homelessness | Housing )
      12<http://www.povnet.org/news_chronological?page=1>3<http://www.povnet.org/news_chronological?page=2>4<http://www.povnet.org/news_chronological?page=3>5<http://www.povnet.org/news_chronological?page=4>6<http://www.povnet.org/news_chronological?page=5>7<http://www.povnet.org/news_chronological?page=6>8<http://www.povnet.org/news_chronological?page=7>9<http://www.povnet.org/news_chronological?page=8>.next ><http://www.povnet.org/news_chronological?page=1>last »<http://www.povnet.org/news_chronological?page=20>

"Canada is not a country for the cold of heart or the cold of feet." ~ Pierre Elliot Trudeau. 

"I sit on a person's back, choking them and making them carry me, and yet I assure myself and others that I am very sorry for them and wish to ease their lot by all possible means -- except by getting off their back." ~Leo Tolstoy.

Live to make civil society every day -- Ne lache pas!
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