[homeles_ot-l] Democracy Watch's ACTION Alert: For honest, good government...Questions for The Thursday, October 2nd Leaders' Debate.

lj1967 at sympatico.ca lj1967 at sympatico.ca
Fri Sep 26 12:47:57 EDT 2008


Democracy Watch's ACTION Alert: For honest, good government.
Plus questions for The Thursday, October 2nd Leaders' Debate, see below.
Affordable housing, health, income security, peace, green issues etc...

ACTION Alert: For honest, good government.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO HAS DONATED IN THE PAST YEAR AT: http://www.dwatch.ca/camp/support.html<http://www.dwatch.ca/camp/support.html>

PLEASE PASS THIS MESSAGE ON to everyone you know in Canada, and if you have any questions about this email, contact Democracy Watch by email at: <dwatch at web.net<mailto:dwatch at web.net>>

Dear Friends of Democracy,

The federal election is on, and your support is needed to help ensure an honest, good Canadian government no matter what party is elected.

No matter what problem or issue you are concerned about, if politicians and government officials can be dishonest, unethical, secretive, unrepresentative and wasteful,  it is not very likely they will solve the problem or address the issue.

Here are the 4 things you can do now to help ensure an honest, good federal government:

<question at electiondebate08.ca<mailto:question at electiondebate08.ca>> urging that the federal political party leaders be asked the 2 questions during the election debates next Wednesday, October 1st and 

Thursday, October 2nd:

QUESTION 1: Will you promise to introduce and support the passage of an honesty-in-politics law that allows voters to file complaints with an independent watchdog agency like the Ethics Commissioner about broken promises and false statements by federal politicians, political staff, appointees, and government employees, and gives the watchdog agency the power to penalize anyone who breaks a promise or makes a false statement with high fines (with the only valid excuse for breaking a promise being if a situation truly changes in a completely unpredictable way, or if a minority government is elected and opposition parties make changes to promised proposals).

QUESTION 1:  You and your party are making promises about decisions and actions you will take after the election, and statements about the principles and policies you support.  Given that there is not yet an honesty-in-politics-law, will you pledge that you will resign or penalize yourself in a similarly significant way after the election if you break any of your promises or violate any of your principles and policies (with the only valid excuse for breaking a promise or changing your policies being if a situation truly changes in a completely unpredictable way, or if a minority government is elected and opposition parties make changes to your proposals)?


2. GO TO DEMOCRACY WATCH'S FEDERAL ELECTION 2008 campaign webpage at:



(A) Click on the link on the left to download and print out the "I'm Voting for Good Government" sign/sticker and stick it up on your front door;

(B) Click on the link on the right to see and send the "Letter to Party Leaders re: Honesty in Politics pledges";

(C) Click on the link on the right to see and send the "Good Government Action Alert" to federal party leaders, and;

(D) Click on the link on the right to see and send the "Corporate Responsibility Action Alert" to federal party leaders.


3.  BEFORE VOTING, LOOK AT THE 2 REPORT CARDS Democracy Watch will be issuing when all the federal political parties' platforms have been released (NOTE: You will receive another Action Alert about the Report Cards when they are issued).  

The 2 Report Cards will be:
(A) Report Card on the Parties' Good Government Platforms, and;
(B) Report Card on the Parties' Corporate Responsibility Platforms


4. PLEASE MAKE A DONATION to support Democracy Watch's campaigns for honest, ethical, open, representative and waste-preventing government at:


AND PLEASE PASS THIS MESSAGE ON to everyone you know in Canada, and if you have any questions about this email, contact Democracy Watch by email at: <dwatch at web.net<mailto:dwatch at web.net>>

Thank you in advance to all of you who donate and/or send messages to the election debate organizers and/or letters to the federal political party leaders in support of Democracy Watch's good government campaigns (and thank you again to everyone who has donated or sent a letter in the past year).

Duff Conacher 
Coordinator Democracy Watch.

P.O. Box 821, Stn. B
Ottawa, Canada
K1P 5P9
Tel: (613) 241-5179
Fax: (613) 241-4758
Email: dwatch at web.net<mailto:dwatch at web.net>
Internet: http://www.cleangovernment.ca<http://www.cleangovernment.ca/>

Since 1993, cleaning up and making governments and corporations more responsible and accountable to you, and making Canada the world's leading democracy -- please donate now at:   http://www.dwatch.ca/camp/support.html<http://www.dwatch.ca/camp/support.html>

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