[homeles_ot-l] FW: Health services for street-involved youth

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Thu Feb 26 15:22:13 EST 2009

FYI...Lynne Browne
Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness (ATEH) 
Office 613-241-7913, ext 205, Cell 613-513-6647
147 Besserer St., Ottawa ON  K1N 6A7 
www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca <http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca/>  


From: Andrea Poncia
Sent: Thu 26/02/2009 3:07 PM
To: Andrea Poncia
Cc: A. Munter; Dan Sabourin
Subject: Health services for street-involved youth



As you may know, in the summer of 2008, KPMG LLP facilitated a community consultation for the Youth Services Bureau about the unique health needs of street-involved youth in Ottawa. The results of that process can be found in the attached report that emphasizes a critical health care need not being met in Ottawa, and draws on leading practices from other Canadian cities for an alternative model of service delivery. 


The KMPG LLP report (attached) lays out a business case for a youth health clinic to provide expertise in dealing with youth, continuity and comprehensiveness of care for street-involved youth.  Not only would a clinic dramatically improve care for street-involved youth, it could save the health care system up to $265,000 in the first year by reducing risks and deferring emergency room visits. 


We have been very encouraged by the enthusiasm shown by young people, service providers, health care experts and community leaders for this needed service. YSB is calling on the Government of Ontario to fund the expanded service for a demographic that overuses the health system while often not getting the help they need. 


The link below brings you to The Ottawa Citizen's Editorial from January 16th that adds further perspective to these issues: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/Health/Clinic+helps+people+system/1182895/story.html <http://www.ottawacitizen.com/Health/Clinic+helps+people+system/1182895/story.html> 


Attached are background documents, along with a template for a letter-of-support. If you do decide to forward a letter to decision-makers about this, please forward a copy to Alex Munter, Executive Director of the Youth Services Bureau (amunter at ysb.on.ca) so we can have one for our files.


Thank you,

Andrea Poncia

Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa

HIV/AIDS Educator

hiv at ysb.on.ca

613.241.7788 ext 409




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