[homeles_ot-l] Federal Finance 2009 Pre-budget Consultations

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Wed Jul 15 17:38:41 EDT 2009

Hello all,


When Parliament returns in the fall, the House of Commons Standing Committee
on Finance will begin its pre-budget consultations for 2009, with hearings
in Ottawa and in selected communities across Canada (see below).  The
deadlines to appear and/or submit a brief and the questions are below.  


The Alliance to End Homelessness has requested an appearance and will submit
a written brief which we’ll send to the listserv when it is ready. We’ll
focus on our three recommendations in the 2008 Report Card: (1) a National
Housing Strategy that enshrines housing as a human right for everyone; (2)
increased – and ongoing – funding to enable communities to help people when
they are homeless and provide the supports some need to stay housed; and (3)
improvements in access to and rates of national income support programs.


Consider submitting your organization’s ideas on the most important federal
tax or program spending priority for ensuring prosperity and a sustainable
future for everyone from an economic, social and/or environmental




Lynne Browne

Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness (ATEH)

147 Besserer St., 2nd Floor, Ottawa, ON K1N 6A7

613-241-7913, ext. 205

 <http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca/> www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca


House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance Pre-budget Consultations fall


Electronic requests to appear, as well as electronic or written briefs, can
be sent to:

Jean-François Pagé at:  <mailto:fina at parl.gc.ca> fina at parl.gc.ca

He is the Clerk, Standing Committee on Finance

Mailing address:

6-14 131 Queen Street

House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0A6


Member of Parliament James Rajotte is the Chair of the Standing Committee on
Finance. The 31 July 2009 and 14 August 2009 deadlines are firm and
exceptions will not be given. Note that the Parliamentary schedule may
changes and time and dates for the hearings may change. Information will be
updated on committee website at www.parl.gc.ca/FINA .


Deadline to appear: Friday, 31 July 2009


*         Send an email to the Clerk of the Committee if you wish to make an
appearance before the Committee during the pre-budget consultations,
indicating three locations where you are willing to appear no later than
Friday, 31 July 2009. (ATEH is asking for one of the Ottawa three weeks –
September 14, October 26 and November 2, 2009.)

*         The Committee will try to accommodate all witnesses requesting an
appearance, but cannot guarantee that everyone will have an opportunity to
make an oral presentation.


Deadline to submit a written brief: Friday, 14 August 2009

*         The deadline to submit a written brief is no later than Friday, 14
August 2009 in order that the brief can be translated and distributed to
Committee members. 

*         You may submit a brief even if you do not wish to make an oral

*         Briefs should be no longer than five pages in length, should
include an executive summary, should contain a maximum of three
recommendations that reflect your most important federal tax or program
spending priority, and should – where possible – indicate the expected
federal cost of your proposal.

*         Note – In the event that briefs contain more than three
recommendations, or three recommendations that contain a number of parts,
only the first three recommendations or the first part of a multi-part
recommendation will be considered by the Committee.


>From the FINA media release:


“The recent financial turbulence and economic difficulties worldwide have
been unprecedented, at least in recent history. While the Canadian financial
system has been more resilient than that in most other industrialized
countries, the impact of the world economic slowdown has affected, and
continues to affect, our nation. That being said, monetary and fiscal
stimulus measures have been taken by governments in Canada and in other
countries, although views vary on the extent to which they are effective and
are having the desired results. Going forward, decisions must be taken about
the measures needed to ensure prosperity and a sustainable economic, social
and environmental future.


In this context, the Committee invites all interested Canadians to
participate in the pre-budget consultations and to share their views on the
following two questions:

1. What federal tax and program spending measures are needed to ensure
prosperity and a sustainable future for Canadians from an economic, social
and/or environmental perspective?

2. What federal stimulus measures have been effective and how might
relatively ineffective measures be changed to ensure that they have the
intended effects?”

The public hearings in Ottawa are – the weeks of September 14, October 26
and November 2, 2009.


Other communities:

*         Vancouver, British Columbia: September 28, 2009

*         Edmonton, Alberta: September 29, 2009

*         Yellowknife, Northwest Territories: September 30, 2009

*         Summerside, Prince Edward Island: October 5, 2009

*         St. John’s, Newfoundland: October 6, 2009

*         Quebec City, Quebec: October 7, 2009

*         Regina, Saskatchewan: October 19, 2009

*         Winnipeg, Manitoba: October 20, 2009

*         Toronto, Ontario: October 21, 2009.

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