[homeles_ot-l] FW: [hhno-on] WI backgrounder: All aboard? Will Manitoba's new anti-poverty plan deliver the goods?

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Fri May 22 18:51:25 EDT 2009

FYI . . . Lynne Browne
Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness (ATEH) 
Office 613-241-7913, ext 205, Cell 613-513-6647
147 Besserer St., Ottawa ON  K1N 6A7 
www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca <http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca/>  


From: hhno-on-owner at povnet.org on behalf of Michael Shapcott
Sent: Fri 22/05/2009 4:35 PM
To: Michael Shapcott
Subject: [hhno-on] WI backgrounder: All aboard? Will Manitoba's new anti-poverty plan deliver the goods?

The Manitoba government recently announced a new initiative called All Aboard <http://tinyurl.com/p67g7r>  that promises an annual investment of $744 million that aims at reducing poverty in that province. The provincial press release comes just as the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Manitoba office is preparing to release its call for a provincial poverty elimination plan <http://www.policyalternatives.ca/~ASSETS/DOCUMENT/Manitoba_Pubs/2009/RFC_poverty_reduction_plan_4pg_051509.pdf> .


The provincial plan is grouped into four areas, including some new commitments promised on affordable housing. The detailed announcements have yet to be made by the government about the key elements of their All Abroad initiative.


More to follow, once we get more analysis from our partners in Manitoba.


-          Michael 




Michael Shapcott | Director, Affordable Housing and Social Innovation | Wellesley Institute 

45 Charles St E, Suite 101                    Tel: 416.972.1010 ext 231
Toronto, ON, Canada,  M4Y 1S2           Mobile: 416.605.8316  
E-mail:   michael at wellesleyinstitute.com



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