[homeles_ot-l] Dec 9 FW: Invitation to an education and awareness session on barriers faced by immigrant youth

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Thu Nov 12 13:34:47 EST 2009

FYI - poster for WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 09, FROM: 9:00-12:00PM, Barriers Faced
by Immigrant Youth


Lynne Browne

Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness (ATEH)

147 Besserer St., 2nd Floor, Ottawa, ON K1N 6A7

613-241-7913, ext. 205

 <http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca/> www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca


From: Shukria Samantar [mailto:ssamantar at ysb.on.ca] 
Sent: November 11, 2009 12:17 PM
To: Lynne Browne
Cc: Dan Sabourin; Liette Duguay
Subject: Invitation to an education and awareness session on barriers faced
by immigrant youth


Hi Lynne,


Please see the attachment for the invitation flyer to all community service
providers/organizations, re: Barriers Faced by Immigrant Youth 


Please distribute widely



Thank you for your support 



Shukria Samantar

Ethno-cultural Community Program

Downtown Services and Drop-In/Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa

ssamantar at ysb.on.ca     


Phone:  613-241-7913, ext. 410, Fax: 613-241-7789 


147 Besserer Street, Ottawa, On   K1N 6A7      www.ysb.on.ca



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