[homeles_ot-l] Federal Call for Proposals for Capital Projects re Seniors' programs/ Le financement pour l'aide à l'immobilisation

Sorensen, Jean jean.sorensen at ottawa.ca
Tue Sep 22 10:03:40 EDT 2009

La version française suite

For your information:

> OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 14, 2009) - The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of **>Human Resources and Skills Development<**, and the Honourable Marjory LeBreton, Leader of the Government in the Senate and Minister of State (Seniors), today launched a call for proposals under the Capital Assistance component of the New Horizons for Seniors Program.
> Federal support is available to help non-profit organizations renovate facilities or replace equipment they use to deliver seniors' programs and activities.
> "The Government of Canada is proud to support seniors in strengthening our communities and building our country," said Minister Finley.
> "Funded projects will enable the continuation of programs and activities that encourage seniors to contribute to their communities and share their knowledge and skills for the benefit of others," said Minister LeBreton.
> The deadline for applications is November 6, 2009. For more information on this call for proposals, please visit http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/community_partnerships/seniors/nhsp/ca/index.shtml  

For information on the program, visit http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/community_partnerships/seniors/index.shtml    The call in Quebec ran from May 19 to September 11, 2009.
> On March 18, 2009, Minister LeBreton announced more than $11 million in funding to over 900 projects across Canada through the Capital Assistance component of the New Horizons for Seniors Program.
> With the other components of the New Horizons for Seniors Program-Community Participation and Leadership and Elder Abuse Awareness-the overall budget of the Program is $35 million per year.
> Since its beginning, the New Horizons for Seniors Program has funded over 5,000 projects in hundreds of communities across Canada.
> In Canada's Economic Action Plan, the federal government made a clear commitment to protect Canadians, including seniors, in difficult times by implementing several key measures:
> - Increasing the Age Credit by $1,000 for 2009 and beyond to allow eligible seniors to receive up to an additional $150 in annual tax savings.
> - Providing seniors with $200 million in tax relief by reducing the required minimum withdrawal amount for 2008 from Registered Retirement Income Funds by
> 25 percent, in recognition of the impact of the deterioration in market conditions on retirement savings.
> - Helping older workers and their families through these tough economic times by investing an additional $60 million over three years in the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers, and by expanding the number of eligible communities to include older workers in small cities.
> - Providing $400 million over two years through the Affordable Housing Initiative for the construction of housing units for low-income seniors.
> For more information on the Government of Canada's actions to support seniors, please visit http://www.seniors.gc.ca.
> New Horizons for Seniors Program
> Across Canada, the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) helps ensure that seniors are able to actively contribute to and benefit from the quality of life in their communities.
> Building on the success of the NHSP, in Budget 2007, the Government of Canada increased the Program's budget by $10 million per year to provide capital assistance for repairs to facilities and equipment related to existing seniors'
> programs, and to raise awareness of elder abuse across Canada.  The total budget for the NHSP is $35 million per year.
> The Program offers three types of funding to organizations:
> 1. Community Participation and Leadership funding (up to $25,000 in funding):
> this funding supports community-based projects across Canada.  The projects encourage seniors to continue to play an important role in their communities by helping those in need, providing leadership, and sharing their knowledge and skills with others.
> 2. Capital Assistance funding (up to $25,000 in funding): this funding helps non-profit organizations that need to upgrade facilities or equipment used for existing seniors' programs and activities.  It enables seniors to continue to lead active lives by participating in existing programs and activities in their communities.> 
> 3. Elder Abuse Awareness funding (up to $250,000 in funding annually over a maximum of three years): this funding helps non-profit organizations and coalitions raise awareness of the abuse of older adults on a national or regional level.  Through this funding, new educational and awareness resources about elder abuse will be available to improve quality of life, safety and security for seniors.
> *********************************************************
> Financement pour l'aide à l'immobilisation
Le financement pour l'aide à l'immobilisation aide des organismes sans but lucratif à améliorer des installations ou des équipements dont ils se servent pour offrir des activités ou programmes existants qui s'adressent aux aînés, permettant ainsi à ces derniers de poursuivre une vie active en participant à des programmes dans leur collectivité.

Pour plus de renseignment sur la demande de proposition, visitez   http://www.rhdcc.gc.ca/fra/partenariats_communautaires/aines/nhpa/ai/index.shtml

Pour des renseignment plus general sur le program, visitez  http://www.rhdcc.gc.ca/fra/partenariats_communautaires/aines/index.shtml

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