[homeles_ot-l] Fwd: Urgent call to action on Special Diet / Nutritional Supplement

Terrie mocharebyl at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 18:17:55 EDT 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Income Security Advocacy Centre (ISAC) <isac at lao.on.ca>
Date: 10 August 2010 15:53
Subject: Urgent call to action on Special Diet / Nutritional Supplement
To: mocharebyl at gmail.com

 Hi all,

Sorry if you've already received this, but I thought I would forward this
urgent call from 25 in 5, the Registered Nurses, and the ODSP Action
Coalition on the new Nutritional Supplement (replacement for Special Diet)


Jennefer at ISAC

25 in 5 Network for Poverty Reduction

*August 10, 2010: URGENT - Take Action on the Special Diet Allowance! *


*In this week's eBulletin:*

   1. Quote of the Week
   2. URGENT - Take Action: Premier McGuinty, Keep Your Promise!


*Quote of the Week:*

*"When the government cuts the diet allowance, I will lose $67 a month that
still enables me to buy healthy food and vitamins to treat my health
conditions. This is preventative medicine, which also gives me a sense of
peace.  *

*Some may argue that because of the deficit programs must be cut, but this
burden should not be placed the backs of the poor. *

*I plead with Premier McGuinty [...]: You have the power to prevent more
suffering and sickness for some of the most vulnerable people in our
province." *

*Who said it?* Melissa Addison-Webster, in an Op Ed published on Saturday,
August 7 in the Toronto Star*. *

*Read Ms Addison-Webster's Op Ed


*URGENT - Take Action: Premier McGuinty, Keep Your Promise!*

*NOTE: please send this eBulletin throughout your email networks and to your
friends and family. *This issue needs all of our support.* *

Last spring, the government made a commitment that the new Nutritional
Supplement Program would be developed in consultation with stakeholders and
medical experts - to "to make sure we get this right", as Premier McGuinty
said in the Legislature on March 29. Yet, despite this promise, to date
there has been no consultation.

*Worse yet,* there are indications that the Ministry of Health has already
created the new program, and will be announcing it sometime in the next few
weeks. While we don't know what the new program looks like, we are
increasingly skeptical that it will measure up to the Five Principles set
out for the program by 25 in 5, the Registered Nurses' Association of
Ontario, and the ODSP Action Coalition.

*That's where you come in. *

We're asking you to urge the government to meet its commitment to consult on
this important program, which supports the therapeutic dietary needs of more
than 130,000 Ontarians.

*As soon as you can, please contact Premier McGuinty* (
dmcguinty.mpp.co at liberal.ola.org) and say:

   - Your government made a commitment to consult on the new Nutritional
   Supplement Program.
   - I'm asking you to make sure the Ministry of Health fulfills that
   commitment by consulting with key stakeholders, including experts from the
   health and social sectors and people with lived experience, before the new
   program is approved and rolled out.
   - I believe the new Nutritional Supplement Program should be based on the
   Five Principles created by the ODSP Action Coalition, the Registered Nurses'
   Association of Ontario, and the 25 in 5 Network for Poverty Reduction.

Please copy your email to:

   - Minister Deb Matthews (dmatthews.mpp.co at liberal.ola.org),
   - her Policy Advisor Tatum Wilson (tatum.wilson at ontario.ca),
   - Premier McGuinty's chief of staff, Chris Morley (
   cmorley at liberal.ola.org),
   - as well as us (info at 25in5.ca).

*You can show your support for the Five Principles by endorsing them online.
Go to:*


*Thank you for taking action right away on this important issue.*

25 in 5: Network for Poverty Reduction

ODSP Action Coalition

Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO)


The 25 in 5 Network for Poverty Reduction, the ODSP Action Coalition and the
Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario have been pushing the government
at every opportunity on the Special Diet Allowance and the new Nutritional
Supplement Program.

Read our letter to the Honourable Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and
Long-Term Care, sent on May 25, along with Five Principles for a New
Nutritional Supplement Program (see links below). To date, we have had no
written response from Minister Matthews.

Letter to Minister Matthews:

Five Principles for a New Nutritional Supplement:


About the 25 in 5 eBulletins

**The 25 in 5 Network is steered by a coalition of Ontario organizations
including Campaign 2000, The Income Security Advocacy Centre, The Interfaith
Social Assistance Reform Coalition, The Colour of Poverty Project, the
Ontario Coalition for Social Justice, Voices From the Street, among others.

This is a bulletin from 25 in 5 to its contact list of supporters and
interested parties across the province. The Bulletin is intended to keep you
up to date on the implementation of a poverty reduction plan for Ontario and
to let you know how you, your organizations and networks can help make it

For more information visit

Follow us on Facebook<http://www.cleonet.ca/maillist/lt/t_go.php?i=146&e=MzI2Nw==&l=http://cts.vresp.com/c/--Q-SocialPlanningToront/c4af3f2d39/32063a9c5c/4bb8b78f37/v--E-wall>and

Click here <info at 25in5.ca> to sign up for this e-Bulletin.

The 25 in 5 Network runs exclusively on volunteer contributions from our
partners.  Any financial contribution that you or your organization is able
to provide to the Network would be most appreciated.  To make a financial
contribution to 25 in 5, please contact John Campey at
jcampey at socialplanningtoronto.org.


This e-mail mailing list is provided by CLEONet: an online
clearinghouse for  Community Legal Education in Ontario at:

To subscribe or unsubscribe to this list visit:


Terrie ( mocharebyl at gmail.com )
“If you see an injustice being committed, you aren't an observer, you are a
participant.” June Callwood
Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and
renders the present inaccessible.  Maya Angelou
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