[homeles_ot-l] 2011 Ontario budget - hearings in Ottawa in January

Linda Lalonde linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 17 11:27:21 EST 2010

Hi Folks,
The Ontario 2011 budget is coming up and, once again, there are two ways to get input into the process. Details of both including contact info are below. This is your opportunity to participate in and, potentially, influence the provincial budget for the coming year. I know the OPRN has seen at least one of our budget recommendations adopted. I wonder if there might be housing issues any of you want to comment on this year??
Please note that neither of these processes is restricted to groups and organizations - you can submit a written submission as an individual.
The Legislature's Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs is coming to Ottawa in the week of January 24th to conduct hearings. This committee includes members of all three parties and you will get a 15 minute presentation slot followed by questions from a representative of one party. They rotate through the three parties so you won't know until you get there who will be asking you the questions. Sometimes they give more than one party a few minutes but, in the last 2 years, it's been one.
The Minister of Finance, Dwight Duncan, is conducting a separate process that is gathering info for the government. In past years, he has held an invitation-only consultation in Ottawa where each person got to speak for one or two minutes on behalf of the organization they were representing. 
For both consultation streams, you can submit your thoughts in writing to the addresses below. In the case of the Committee, I know that each member gets every submission, whether written or verbal. If you are going to prepare something, I would suggest you send it to both. You can submit it electronically so you don't even have to pay printing or postage. I would also suggest that, whatever you submit, you send a copy to your local MPP as well.
The Committee hearings will be here, usually for a day, and are open to the public so you can go and listen to the presentations being made. The list of who is presenting when is posted on the Legislature's website under the name of the Committee. Normally there is one set of hearings for all of Eastern Ontario and they rotate between Kingston and Ottawa each year.
The Committee intends to hold public hearings in London, Windsor, Thunder Bay, Timmins, and Ottawa during the week of January 24, 2011; and in Toronto on January 31 and February 1, 2011. Interested people who wish to be considered to make an oral presentation to the Committee should contact the Clerk of the Committee by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, January 17, 2011. Those who do not wish to make an oral presentation but who wish to comment on the issue may send a written submission to the Clerk of the Committee at the address below by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 1, 2011. 

Pat Hoy, MPP, Chair  

Sylwia Przezdziecki, Clerk

Room 1405, Whitney Block/Bureau 1405, édifice Whitney
Queen's Park, Toronto, ON  M7A 1A2
Phone: (416) 325-3515 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (416) 325-3515      end_of_the_skype_highlighting / Fax: (416) 325-3505 / TTY: (416) 325-3538
E-mail: sylwia_przezdziecki at ontla.ola.org

Collect calls will be accepted

The Minister of Finance will be hosting pre-budget consultations with individuals, organizations, associations and other stakeholders across the province as part of the government's ongoing dialogue with the citizens of Ontario. Over the past seven years, Ontarians have been working together to repair past neglect and rebuild the province. Our schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, roads and bridges have been significantly improved. The McGuinty government has also modernized our tax system and made major investments to ensure Ontarians have a clean, modern, reliable electricity system. The 2011 Ontario Budget will build on these measures as Ontario's economy continues to emerge from the global recession. In this pre-budget consultation, the Minister is particularly interested in hearing Ontarians' views regarding what more the government can do to help families, create jobs and improve services for people, while eliminating the deficit. 

Email: submissions at ontario.ca

Fax: 416-325-0969

Mail: The Honourable Dwight Duncan
Minister of Finance
c/o Budget Secretariat 
Frost Building North, 3rd Floor 
95 Grosvenor Street Toronto, ON M7A 1Z1

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