[homeles_ot-l] Ontario Cabinet changes FW: New Decade, New Challenges, New Cabinet

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Mon Jan 18 16:38:03 EST 2010

FYI . . . Lynne Browne
Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness (ATEH) 
Office 613-241-7913, ext 205, Cell 613-513-6647
147 Besserer St., Ottawa ON  K1N 6A7 
www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca <http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca/>  

From: Jennefer Laidley (ISAC) [mailto:laidleyj at lao.on.ca]
Sent: Mon 18/01/2010 4:27 PM
Subject: FW: New Decade, New Challenges, New Cabinet 


From: Ontario News [mailto:newsroom at ontario.ca] 

New Decade, New Challenges, New Cabinet <http://news.ontario.ca/opo/en/2010/01/new-decade-new-challenges-new-cabinet.html> 

January 18, 2010

McGuinty Government Continues To Drive Forward On Priorities

Premier McGuinty today announced major changes to his Cabinet to drive the government's economic, education and green energy agenda. 

The changes will see 12 ministers in new responsibilities and three new women appointed to Cabinet: 

Leona Dombrowsky becomes Minister of Education. After six years of progress -- where class sizes have decreased, graduation rates have increased by nine percentage points, and the number of students meeting or exceeding the provincial standard in reading, writing and math in Grades 3 and 6 increased by 13 percentage points -- Minister Dombrowsky leads our efforts to deliver full-day learning for 4- and 5-year olds, further increase test scores and graduation rates.

Brad Duguid becomes Minister of Energy and Infrastructure. Ontario's CO2 emissions from coal fired generation are down 33 per cent since 2003, and we've brought 1,200 megawatts of new, renewable electricity onto the grid. Now, Minister Duguid will ensure that Ontario solidifies its position as North America's leader in green energy and green-technology jobs. Also, Minister Duguid is responsible for delivering our infrastructure stimulus plan and developing the next phase of our long-term infrastructure effort.

Chris Bentley continues to serve as Ontario's Attorney General and also becomes Minister of Aboriginal Affairs. In these roles, Minister Bentley will continue to drive the government's plan to reduce court backlogs, while making new efforts to build new economic opportunities for Aboriginal people in Ontario.

Kathleen Wynne becomes Minister of Transportation. Since 2003, Ontario has partnered with municipalities to improve our roads, bridges and public transit. Municipal transit ridership has increased by more than 95 million passenger trips across Ontario. Now, Minister Wynne will help implement the government's MoveOntario 2020 public transit plan, improve service-delivery at GO Transit and work with municipalities to build and maintain the highways and bridges that are critical to our economic success. 

Gerry Phillips remains Chair of Cabinet and becomes Minister Without Portfolio, Responsible for Seniors. He will help ensure that Ontario's senior homeowners benefit from the Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant, which is doubling in 2010 to provide about $1 billion over five years in property tax relief to over 600,000 seniors.

Jim Bradley becomes Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, tasked with ensuring that Ontario is home to safe and strong urban and rural communities with dynamic local economies, abundant greenspace and quality, affordable housing.

Michael Chan becomes Minister of Tourism and Culture. He will work to establish Regional Tourism Organizations in regions across Ontario and promote Ontario's natural beauty, vibrant cities and towns, and thriving cultural attractions to visitors from all over the world. He will also lead our efforts with Ontario's cultural industries to create new jobs and opportunities for Ontario families.

Monique Smith remains Government House Leader and becomes Minister of  Intergovernmental Affairs. She will continue to stand up for fairness for Ontario -- and work hard to ensure that the federal government treats Ontario fairly when it comes to health care, climate change, immigration and child care.

Sophia Aggelonitis joins Cabinet as Minister of Consumer Services, continuing to ensure that Ontario consumers are protected. Ontario has already legislated new protections for consumers including banning the expiry of retail gift cards, and Minister Aggelonitis will ensure that buyers and sellers of goods and services enjoy a fair, safe and informed marketplace.

Carol Mitchell joins Cabinet as Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Since 2003, Ontario has ensured that farms transferred within a family are exempted from land transfer taxes and has increased efforts to promote locally-grown food. Now, Minister Mitchell will continue the government's efforts to help our farmers build a thriving rural Ontario through our high-tech agriculture and food sectors.

Linda Jeffrey joins Cabinet as Minister of Natural Resources. The Endangered Species Act, passed in 2008, is North America's toughest law and will provide strengthened protection for species at risk. Minister Jeffrey is tasked with helping to protect Ontario's natural wonders -- ensuring that they are used wisely and so that they can continue to be enjoyed by generations to come. 

Eric Hoskins joins Cabinet as Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. His role will be to ensure that Ontario remains the destination of choice for the best, brightest and most productive people in the world -- and home to a strong, diverse society. Working with Minister Smith, Minister Hoskins will seek fair treatment for new Canadians who come to Ontario.

Together, the McGuinty government's new Cabinet will continue to build a strong economy with good jobs for our families today -- and good jobs for our children tomorrow. 


"Our government remains focussed on driving forward with our priorities: building an Ontario with a strong economy so that our children can receive the best public education, our families are cared for in the best health care system, and where our vulnerable benefit from the best public supports."

 - Dalton McGuinty
Premier of Ontario


*	Ontario's Cabinet has 26 members. 


	*	Meet the Ontario Cabinet. <http://www.premier.gov.on.ca/team/default.asp?Lang=EN>  


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