[homeles_ot-l] Bill C-304 (national housing act) to get detailed review at Commons' HUMA committee on Monday

Linda Lalonde linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 24 10:12:26 EDT 2010

I was at a meeting on the Hill yesterday and Megan Leslie, MP from Halifax, told us that the Bill passed the Committee review and is now on the way to third reading in the House.
We were meeting to look at draft of federal poverty elimination legislation - so all kinds of good things are happening north of Wellington Street!!
There's hope yet.

--- On Wed, 3/24/10, Lynne Browne <lbrowne at ysb.on.ca> wrote:

From: Lynne Browne <lbrowne at ysb.on.ca>
Subject: [homeles_ot-l] Bill C-304 (national housing act) to get detailed review at Commons' HUMA committee on Monday
To: "listserv" <homeles_ot-l at list.web.net>
Received: Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 9:20 AM

FYI . . . An update on Bill C-304 from Michael Shapcott who has also informed us that: 
“A private members' bill is not allowed to usurp 'royal prerogative' - which is the historic right of the crown to control finances. Bill C-304 is designed to avoid that trap - no spending imperatives. The Conservatives have already tried to have the bill disallowed based on 'royal prerogative' but the Speaker has ruled that it is acceptable. No doubt the Tories will try once again to block the bill at third reading, but I cannot imagine that if the Bill passes the Commons and Senate then the Governor General will refuse to sign it.” after a southern Ontario MP (a Conservative and a lawyer) said that “the Governor General will not sign any legislation with financial implications that does not have the support of the party forming the government.” 
The link to the bill and changes in it are highlighted below.

Lynne Browne
Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness (ATEH)
147 Besserer St., 2nd Floor, Ottawa , ON   K1N 6A7
Cell 613-513-6647
Office 613-241-7913, ext. 205

From: hhno-on-owner at povnet.org [mailto:hhno-on-owner at povnet.org] On Behalf Of Michael Shapcott
Sent: March 19, 2010 6:48 PM
To: nhhn-can at povnet.org; hhno-on at povnet.org ; Ann Fitzpatrick; Valerie Elliott HYMAN; Allyson Marsolais
Subject: [hhno-on] WI backgrounder: Bill C-304 (national housing act) to get detailed review at Commons' HUMA committee on Monday
Bill C-304, the private members’ bill from MP Libby Davies to create a much-needed national housing act for Canada , will get clause-by-clause review at the Commons’ HUMA committee on Monday afternoon. A number of groups, including the Wellesley Institute, have been pressing for amendments to strengthen the draft legislation – and the changes that are expected will bring the bill into line with Canada ’s international housing obligations. At second reading, a majority of MPs supported the draft bill – including all the NDP, Liberal and Bloc members, plus a Conservative MP. After committee consideration, the bill goes back to the floor of the Commons for third and final reading, before moving over to the Senate and then royal proclamation. Once adopted, the bill will require the federal government to consult widely and then produce a comprehensive national housing plan within 180 days.
-          Michael 
Michael Shapcott | Director, Affordable Housing and Social Innovation | Wellesley Institute 

45 Charles St E, Suite 101                    Tel: 416.972.1010 ext 231
Toronto, ON , Canada,  M4Y 1S2           Mobile: 416.605.8316  
E-mail:   michael at wellesleyinstitute.com
rigorous research. pragmatic policy solutions. social innovation. community action.
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