[homeles_ot-l] Two Montreal Homelessness Conferences

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Tue Sep 28 16:57:04 EDT 2010

FYI - two conferences in Montreal, websites below.

Lynne Browne

Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness 

lbrowne at ysb.on.ca <mailto:lbrowne at ysb.on.ca> 

Office: 613-241-1573, ext. 205 (Temp. # )

Mail to: 147 Besserer St., Ottawa, ON K1N 6A7

www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca <http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca> 


ATEH on Facebook HERE <http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Alliance-to-End-Homelessness-Ottawa/136029386442398?v=wall&ref=ts>  &

on Twitter HERE @endhomelessOTT <https://twitter.com/endhomelessOTT> 


-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas Falvo [mailto:nfalvo at connect.carleton.ca] 
Sent: September 25, 2010 3:35 PM
To: Lynne Browne
Subject: Montreal Homelessness Conferences


Hi Lynne:


Good seeing you last week! You asked that I send you information for the listerv on the two, late-October homelessness conferences happening in Montreal.  I'm told that the first one is geared more towards academics, students and researchers, and the second one is geared more towards front-line practitioners.  Obviously, anyone can attend either or both.


Scroll down for the info...






International conference on homelessness

Rethinking Homelessness: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges

October 27th to the 29th 2010, Montréal (Canada) 



The Research Collective on Homelessness, Poverty and Social Exclusion (Université du Québec à Montréal) wishes to invite you to the international conference "Rethinking Homelessness. Theoretical and Methodological Challenges" that will be held in Montréal, October 27th to the 29th 2010. Welcoming different type of experts the event will be organized around central themes, major conferences, workshops and different other types of communications.


Rethinking Homelessness. Theoretical and Methodological Challenges - Research on homelessness has singularly expanded in the last 30 years. SDF, homeless, itinérance, errance, the plural definitions of the phenomenon reflects the need to understand these situations and the socio-political contexts that define them. English, French, American, European, researchers have thus developed complex and crossing knowledge on the issue of homelessness. What synthesis of these theoretical and empirical understandings of the phenomenon can be done? What portraits are made by researchers? Is the produced knowledge still current? In what ways the research has had an impact on understanding and action (clinical, social, political, economic, etc.)? What are the main orientations? What directions are most likely to be taken by research in the coming years?


The scientific committee invites you to submit a proposal around the four following themes:


Theme 1: Understanding homelessness. What knowledge, which certitude?


Theme 2: A reality to describe. A portrait why? For whom?


Theme 3: Mobilizing scientific knowledge for comprehension and action. Scientific postures and public postures.


Theme 4: Homeless research to enrich the development of social and human sciences.


For more information on the conference and for detailed descriptions of the four themes and to submit communication proposals in French and in English. They can be submitted from now until July 31st, 2010. For more information visit our website: www.cri.uqam.ca <http://www.cri.uqam.ca/>  






A national Forum regarding clinical and intervention issues with homeless persons will be held on October 29th and 30th 2010. 


This Forum will invite community based organizations, public institutions, and elected representatives from all over Canada to exchange on different important themes. A series of workshops will allow participants to identify and collectively reflect on practices that they face. Recurrent problems will then be exposed. It will be an occasion to publicize them and facilitate exchanges about the most adapted solutions regarding homelessness. We wish that at the end of the forum, participants will leave with solution tracks to resolve some difficulties encountered in their daily practices.



In an opening conference, we will discuss ethical issues faced by employees working with homeless persons.


Will follow, over two days, a series of workshops about specific challenges of intervention in homelessness. 3 panellists will be speaking in each workshop. Each panellist will be invited to share, for 15 minutes, an experience of practice or to give his or her opinion about the problematic discussed in the workshop. Then a facilitator will open the debate with the audience.


Workshops will be based on two formulas:


Case studies. From a brief description illustrating a typical situation, practitioners will discuss how they understand this situation and actions they would consider. Will follow a discussion with the assembly on solution tracks of possible actions. 

Practice stories. Three practitioners will relate their experience linked to a particular challenge. Common and cross-cutting elements will afterward be identified by the assembly to highlight tracks of actions and most interesting solutions. 

By the end of the second day, in a plenary session, a report from each workshop will be presented. Participants will then have access to what was suggested in other workshops.


Registration for this event will open in September, will we post the information up on our website. 


Forum's website:



View the preliminary Forum program:



Organization committee

Université du Québec à Montréal

(514) 987-3000 # 4944

forumcri at uqam.ca 

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