[homeles_ot-l] FW: If you're young and homeless, does family matter?

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Wed Apr 13 10:55:23 EDT 2011

FYI . . . RC 2010 here too! 

Lynne Browne

Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness 

613-241-7913 ext. 205

lbrowne at ysb.on.ca <mailto:lbrowne at ysb.on.ca> 

147 Besserer St., Ottawa, ON K1N 6A7

www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca <http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca> 

Ottawa/136029386442398?v=wall&ref=ts>  &

on TWITTER HERE @endhomelessOTT <https://twitter.com/endhomelessOTT> 


From: The Homeless Hub [mailto:thehub at edu.yorku.ca] 
Sent: April 13, 2011 5:01 AM
To: Lynne Browne
Subject: If you're young and homeless, does family matter?


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Family Matters: Homeless Youth & Eva's Initiatives Family Reconnect
by Winland, Daphne; Gaetz, Stephen; Patton, Tara
Young people become homeless largely because of challenges they
experience within their families.  We know well that conflicts within
family - whether related to abuse, mental health, or addictions issues
of either young people themselves or other family members - often lead
young people to the streets.  Because of this, most street youth serving
agencies largely ignore the potential role of family members in helping
people make the transition to adulthood. There are some exceptions, and
one of these is the Family Reconnect program of Eva's Initiatives in
Toronto. In the report, Family Matters, this program is examined to
evaluate how reconnecting with family may help some young people avoid
long term homelessness.  In doing this review, the authors raise some
important questions about the Canadian response to youth homelessness.
They argue for a rather radical transformation of this response, one
that reconsiders the role of strengthened family (and community)
relations in preventing and responding to youth homelessness.
Read the full report >

>From the Research Matters Blog
If you're young and homeless, does family matter?

Report Card on Ending Homelessness in Ottawa, Jan - Dec 2010
"Despite some progress in creating additional affordable housing units
last year, the Ottawa community faced challenges in meeting the 2010
targets we set to end homelessness by 2020," says Marion Wright, Chair
of the Alliance to End Homelessness (ATEH).  
Alliance to End Homelessness

The Winnipeg Street Health Report 2011
by Gessler, Suzanne; Maes, Christina; Skelton, Ian
The report presents the experiences of 300 homeless Winnipeggers and
lays out stark findings about their health, security and ability to
correct the problem. 
Main Street Project

Canada's Colour Coded Labour Market: The Gap for Racialized Workers
by Block, Sheila; Galabuzi, Grace-Edward
This report reveals that despite an increasingly diverse population,
Canada's racialized income gap shows a colour code is still at work in
Canada's labour market. 
Wellesley Institute & Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Successes and challenges of feminist arts-based participatory
methodologies with homeless/street-involved women in Victoria
by Clover, Darlene
This feminist arts-based participatory research project with a group of
homeless/street-involved women used group interviews and the creation of
collective and individual artworks to explore their personal and
political realities and share these with a larger audience.
Journal of Action Research

Online communities of practice as a communication resource for community
health nurses working with homeless persons
by Valaitis, R; Akhtar-Danesh, N; Brooks, F. et al.
Community health nurses who specifically work with homeless and
marginally housed populations often report feelings of isolation and
stress in managing complex problems in resource constraints. To
strengthen intra-professional ties and enhance information access, an
online community of practice was designed, implemented and evaluated by
and for them. 
Journal of Advanced Nursing

Trends in HIV Incidence and Risk Behavior Among Injection Drug Users in
Montreal, Canada: A 16-Year Longitudinal Study
by Bruneau, J.; Daniel, M.; Abrahamowicz, M. et al.
The authors sought to investigate trends in the incidence of HUV
infection, evaluate changes in risk behavior, and assess associations
between syringe access programs and HIV seroconversion among injection
drug users (IDUs).
American Journal of Epidemiology

Issue 16 / April 13, 2011


Health of the Homeless and Climate Change
It is estimated that 1% of Toronto's population use a shelter each year.
Homeless people are amongst the most vulnerable groups in developed
regions, and suffer from higher rates of chronic disease than the
general population. Homeless people carry a disproportionate burden of
the effects associated with climate change.


April Calendar
Have an event scheduled? Send it to thehub at edu.yorku.ca 
and we'll post it in our events calendar.



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Our mailing address is: 
The Canadian Homelessness Research Network 
York University 
6th Floor York Research Tower 
4700 Keele Street 
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 

Our telephone: 
416-736-2100 Ext. 30257 

Copyright (C) 2011 Homeless Hub. All rights reserved. 

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