[homeles_ot-l] All Our Sisters

Terrie mocharebyl at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 11:31:09 EDT 2011

Hi Laura

I was also at the conference and am part of the cross Canada grassroots
group that is working on next steps. Our group had a pre-conference
workshop  presented twice as well as having several members on Plenary
panels.  We did put up our contact info at the conference but I can send it
to  you or anyone else interested.


On 14 June 2011 10:58, Laura Shantz <lshan013 at uottawa.ca> wrote:

> Good Morning,
> I’m sending this e-mail to the ATEH listserv as well as to some folks who
> I know personally who are engaged in (through lived experience, research,
> advocacy, front-line work or any combination of these) and are passionate
> about ending women’s homelessness as well as broader and related issues,
> including women’s equality/rights; ending violence against women; action
> research; safety for women in the sex trade; safe and affordable housing;
> affordable and accessible services for women, including child care,
> physical & mental health services, basic needs, basic income, and
> recreation, among others; as well as the many other wonderful programs
> that we use/need/support in our daily lives.
> I had the privilege to attend and present at the All Our Sisters/Toutes
> Nos Soeurs conference in London, Ontario this spring.  The conference
> focused on women’s homelessness in a holistic fashion, examining pathways
> into and out of homelessness, the good work that is currently underway
> across Canada on this cause, and what can be done to advance a national
> housing strategy.  The conference featured a variety of presentations and
> created an atmosphere of equality and support, where all delegates –
> including those with lived experience – were equal participants who came
> together to share their stories and experiences, learn from one another
> and work towards making change for women across Canada.  More information
> can be found at http://www.alloursisters.ca.
> At the conference, the organizers indicated that they hoped the momentum
> that was generated during the three days that the participants spent
> together would continue and grow.  Part of this was a wish that the
> conference would be repeated in a few years’ time in another city.  Ever
> since the conference, I’ve been thinking about this and believe that the
> spirit and energy necessary to carry off this endeavour can be found in
> Ottawa.  I’m sending out this note today to try to gauge the support for
> this idea and determine if there is enough community interest to attempt
> to bring the conference to Ottawa sometime in the future (likely 2013 or
> 2014).  For this to happen, there would need to be many individuals who
> are interested in and committed to the cause and who are willing to share
> their thoughts, ideas, and time to make this happen.  While the support of
> the organizations and groups working in Ottawa on these issues would be
> appreciated and will be paramount, this should not be a cause that is
> “driven” (in all senses of the word) by organizations; rather, individuals
> from all fields (lived experience, advocacy, research, front-line service)
> will need to collaborate to make this possible.
> If you are interested in finding out more, or would like to receive
> further updates about this cause, please e-mail me at lshan013 at uottawa.ca
> and indicate your interest.  If there appears to be a strong interest, I
> will try to arrange a get-together of some sort so that we can start to do
> more with these ideas than just kick them around by ourselves.
> Best regards,
> Laura Shantz
> homeles_ot-l at list.web.net
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> THEN email your homelessness and housing messages to that address to reach
> the full list or to reply to a posting.
> This list is not moderated; there is no editorial review.
> Please try to keep messages to 200KB or less, including attachments, so
> that all subscribers are able to receive them.
> The listserv does not permit Blind copy, BCC addresses or the use of too
> many Send To addresses. The best thing is to email to this list on its own.
> The Alliance to End Homelessness does not verify the accuracy of submitted
> messages nor necessarily endorse the opinions expressed by message authors.
> Message authors are solely responsible for content of their messages.

Terrie ( mocharebyl at gmail.com )
“If you see an injustice being committed, you aren't an observer, you are a
participant.” June Callwood
'If it is not on the menu  cook it yourself'  Buffy St Marie
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