[homeles_ot-l] FW: SPACE Coalition Community Use of Space Survey 2012

Worsfold, Nancy Nancy.Worsfold at ottawa.ca
Wed Oct 3 12:08:36 EDT 2012

Space is a challenge for many organizations in Ottawa.   The SPACE coalition, based in Toronto, have been doing great work on this issue and they want to have a province wide impact.  I encourage you to participate in this survey so that we can get some Ottawa data as well.

From: Lesley Johnston [mailto:ljohnston at socialplanningtoronto.org]
Sent: October 02, 2012 5:54 PM
Subject: SPACE Coalition Community Use of Space Survey 2012

Please disseminate broadly


Dear Friend,

Re: Community Use of Space Survey 2012

Everywhere we look we see the encroachments that are happening to the hard work that we have done over the last decade to help improve community access to space. We are disturbed to hear new stories about fee increases and public buildings that are erecting barriers to access. At the same time we are inundated with concerns around violence, obesity rates and mental health.

How do we unite these conversations and get key decision-makers on board to protect and properly fund access to public space - so essential to the offering of community programming?

To start - we need to get more information about what is happening in communities across Ontario regarding access to public space.

We need your help to do this! Please complete our fourth bi-annual survey on community use of space at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/communityuseofspace2012.

We ask that the survey be completed by the person in your organization who is most involved with permitting community space.

Please share with us your stories on accessing community space! And please share this survey with other organizations across Ontario that use space, or are interested in using space in schools or municipal spaces (libraries, civic centres, public housing space, parks, community and recreation centres, etc.).

Please submit the completed survey by November 16th, 2012.
Thank-you for your help in our ongoing efforts to ensure all communities have equitable, affordable and increased access to public space!


Susan Fletcher
SPACE Coalition

John Campey
Executive Director,
Social Planning Toronto

Lesley Johnston
Researcher and Policy Analyst
Social Planning Toronto
2 Carlton Street, Suite 1001
Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3
Tel: (416) 351-0095 ext. 216
Fax: (416) 351-0107
ljohnston at socialplanningtoronto.org<mailto:ljohnston at socialplanningtoronto.org>

Sign up for Social Planning Toronto's e-bulletin,
Soundbites at http://socialplanningtoronto.org/news/sign-up-for-our-e-bulletin-soundbites/

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