[homeles_ot-l] FW: A Curtain Call

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Thu Oct 4 16:20:28 EDT 2012

A community loss!



Executive Director, Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa

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171 George Street, Ottawa ON K1N 5W5

613-241-1573, ext. 314

lynnebrowne at endhomelessnessottawa.ca


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From: Ottawa Chamber of Voluntary Organizations [mailto:ocvo.cobo at gmail.com] 
Sent: October-04-12 3:53 PM
To: Lynne Browne
Subject: A Curtain Call


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Dear :

An open letter to all concerned 

A Curtain Call

It is with great sadness that we must formally announce that the Ottawa Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (OCVO) will cease operating effective October 31, 2012. OCVO is a coalition of community agencies that had worked for 11 years to encourage, advance and provide leadership in support of a vibrant, healthy and effective voluntary sector. 

The network operated thanks to dozens of volunteers who believed in the power of working together, and in the necessity of a strong and thriving voluntary sector. While the need and importance of this work remains strong, the capacity to run a network to meet these needs without sufficient resources, based solely on the interests and commitment of volunteers proved to be impossible. Sadly, the inability to obtain a modicum of ongoing support from funders, ironically at a time when sector engagement is so loudly heralded, makes it impossible to continue.

OCVO worked to champion the value of the voluntary sector and raise public awareness. It facilitated networking and the sharing of information and resources, while articulating the views of the voluntary sector and participating in public policy and discourse. OCVO mobilized and engaged the voluntary sector around issues of common concern and dialogue with other sectors including business, local government and organized labour. 

OCVO was successful in providing dozens of educational events, building bridges amongst  community agencies, conducting several major conferences, offering advice, guidance and consultation that influenced hundreds of practitioners and decision makers at all levels.

We hope that others will take up the challenge at some point in the future and would welcome the opportunity to share the collected wisdom obtained through the last ten years. An archive of materials will be held by Family Services à la famille Ottawa, and these can be happily shared upon request. 

We would like to thank all those who volunteered, supported, participated, contributed and lead the OCVO. A special note of appreciation goes to Brenda Gallagher, our coordinator and champion, who provided leadership, counsel and energy, using minimal resources to produce fantastic results. A tremendous amount of work was accomplished over the past 10 years and the impact of the many contributions from all involved ripples today throughout our community. 

On behalf of the OCVO Steering Committee, thank you and -farewell.

Kathryn Ann Hill and Will Coukell, Co-Chairs
Dan Doyle
Hugh Ellis
Ruth Hubbard
Delores MacAdam
Tim Simboli


Ottawa Chamber of Voluntary Organizations
C3 Centre
1155 Lola Street
Ottawa Ontario K1K 4C1


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