[homeles_ot-l] 1) DATE CHANGE - Social Assistance Review final report release; 2) City of Ottawa 2013 budgets

Linda Lalonde linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 19 08:50:11 EDT 2012

Hi folks,

Two pieces of important news 

- the Social Assistance Review (SAR) Commission's final report which was to be released this morning has been delayed and 

- the various City of Ottawa 2013 budgets are about to be tabled.

The day to mark in your calendars is Wednesday, October 24th which is when all this will take place.

The SAR Commission report will be released at 10 am October 24th and will be posted on their website http://www.socialassistancereview.ca/home at that time. There are not a lot of details available but my understanding is that, because the provincial legislature is not sitting, there will not be a lot of hoopla around the release. 

I do know for certain that neither Frances Lankin nor Munir Sheikh will be doing the rounds to explain or promote the contents of the report after Wednesday. Once the report is released, their mandate is completed and the report becomes the property of the government to do with as they will. It is also theirs to do with as they won't - it is going to become our job to ensure that this report is not a victim of prorogation.

The various 2013 budgets of the City of Ottawa will be tabled October 24th in the Council Chamber at City Hall with the exception of the Board of Health and Library budgets which were tabled earlier this week. The schedule for the budget releases is as follows:

- 8:30 am - Police Services Board draft budget tabled

- 10:00 am - City budget tabled during City Council meeting which begins at 10:00 am. It normally has been almost the first item on the Council agenda but I know that the mayor is speaking at another event in Vanier from 9:15 to 10:15 that morning. I would be very surprised if the budget would be tabled in his absence since it's "his" budget. However, since he isn't in the habit of communicating his plans to me, I'll say that the budget will be tabled some time between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm that day. The City Council agenda wasn't posted as of 8:00 am this morning.

- 3:30 pm - Transit Commission budget tabled

The Board of Health budget was tabled on October 15th and can be found at http://ottawa.ca/calendar/ottawa/citycouncil/obh/2012/10-15/BOH%20DRAFT%202013%20Budget%20Report_FINAL.pdf. It will come back to the Board for discussion and to hear from the public on November 19th at 5:00 pm.

The Library Board budget was tabled on October 15th and can be found at http://ottawa.ca/calendar/ottawa/citycouncil/library/2012/10-15/Doc%203%20Consolidated%20Final%20Draft%202013%20OPL%20Operating-Capital%20-9%20year%20Capital%20forecast.pdf. It will come back to the Board for discussion and to hear from the public on November 19th at 5:00 pm.

Note that the Police Board and Library Board are meeting at the same time/day to hear from the public. While it would be possible to schedule your comments to the two Boards at different times, it will be impossible to hear all the other public interventions and the discussion by Board members at both Boards. They are at least in the same building so you could run back and forth between the Champlain Room and the Colonel By Room.

Public consultations on the budgets will take place between October 27th and November 7th and each city standing committee will review their section of the budget at their November meeting. All the budgets will then go to City Council on November 28th.

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