[homeles_ot-l] 2016 Census content consultation - deadline Nov 16, 2012

Linda Lalonde linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 26 00:23:40 EDT 2012

Hi folks,

This will be of interest to many of you, methinks! 


2016 Census program content consultation

Planning the census program starts with consulting users. Until November 16, 2012, Statistics Canada invites you to send us your views on the questionnaire content for 2016.
Consultation with data users and interested parties will allow Statistics Canada to

confirm information needs and identify data gaps 
establish data priorities 
understand how census program data are used.
Statistics Canada is committed to respecting the privacy of consultation participants. All personal information created, held or collected by the Agency is protected by the Privacy Act.
How to get involved
The 2016 Census Program Content Consultation Guide provides the information you require to communicate your data needs and content suggestions for 2016 and future census programs.
Please share this invitation with others who have an interest in the Census Program.
Your input is important. Thank you for participating.
2016 Census Program Content Consultation Guide
Canadians require trustworthy statistics to meet an array of needs.
The Census of Population is an important source of demographic and social information for decision-making and analysis at a large geographical scale and for small areas. Statistics Canada is responsible under the Statistics Act ( R.S.C. , 1985, c. S -19) for conducting the Census of Population every five years.
The 2011 Census Program1 consisted of two parts: a short questionnaire (census) with a basic set of questions distributed to 100% of households, and a long questionnaire (National Household Survey) distributed to a 33% sample of households.
Planning the Census Program starts early. In preparation for Census Day 2016, Statistics Canada is consulting with data users to:

confirm information needs and identify data gaps 
establish data priorities 
understand how Census Program data are used.
In order to prioritize the 2016 Census Program content, Statistics Canada will evaluate consultation input using the content determination framework explained in this guide.
We invite you to convey your data needs and content suggestions for the 2016 Census Program, and provide examples of how you use Census Program data. We also welcome your comments on Census Program products and services and geography concepts.


The term 'Census Program' is used to refer in a general way to the Census of Population and, if applicable, any accompanying survey conducted at the time of the census, such as the 2011 National Household Survey.
How do I participate?
Please send us your responses to the consultation Discussion points via the online questionnaire (https://www68.statcan.gc.ca/ecp-pce/en/load-init/anonymoussurvey-enqueteanonyme/CPCC_CPCC_1_R1_1) or forward your written submission:

• by email to: censusconsultation at statcan.gc.ca

• by mail to: 

Census Marketing
Statistics Canada
4th Floor, Jean Talon Building
170 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0T6

• by fax: 613-951-4210 (Attention: Census Marketing) 

What is the deadline for submission?
To ensure your comments are considered for 2016, please submit your input by Friday, November 16, 2012.
What will Statistics Canada do with my submission?
Your comments will be captured in a census consultation database for use by Statistics Canada experts during the 2016 Census Program content determination planning process. Your ideas and suggestions will also be reviewed for other Statistics Canada socioeconomic statistical programs.
Your comments may be made public in documentation highlighting the findings of the 2016 Census Program content consultation.
How do I obtain more information?
Links to reference documents and other information can be found in this guide. If you have any questions regarding the 2016 Census Program consultation process, please contact us at censusconsultation at statcan.gc.ca.
Future censuses

Final Report on 2016 Census Options: Proposed Content Determination Framework and Methodology Options 
2016 Census Strategy Project: Data Uses and Requirements Report 
Preliminary Report on Methodology Options for the 2016 Census
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