[homeles_ot-l] Trends in Ottawa homelessness & today's Cabinet shuffle

Lynne Browne lynnebrowne at endhomelessnessottawa.ca
Mon Jul 15 14:55:01 EDT 2013


1.    ATEH-Trends in Housing-Homelessness Indicators in Ottawa 2004-2012

2.    Cabinet shuffle changes HRSDC


Hello everyone,


1.    ATEH invites you to review and circulate its latest brief, Trends in
Ottawa homelessness over 2004 to 2012. 

Prepared by Tim Aubry, chair of ATEH's Research and Evaluation Working
Group, the data and charts in this 3 page report relies on data shared in
ATEH's annual Report Cards on Ending Homelessness in Ottawa. Available in
English or French, this trends analysis relies on credible data provided by
the City of Ottawa. 


2.    In today's Cabinet changes, of Human Resources and Skills Development
Canada (HRSDC) was replaced by the Ministry of Employment and Social
Development. The Hon. Diane Finley leaves the position of HRSDC Minister
(responsible for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). Jason
Kenney, MP for Calgary Southeast, becomes Minister and Minister with
responsibility for CMHC. 

Candice Bergen, MP for Portage-Lisgar (Manitoba), becomes Minister of State
for Social Development.  All changes at




Executive Director

Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa

171 George Street, Ottawa ON K1N 5W5

613-241-1573, ext. 314


Website:  <http://www.endhomelessnessottawa.ca/index.cfm> End Homelessness

Like us on  <https://www.facebook.com/endhomelessnessottawa?fref=ts>


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