[homeles_ot-l] The TD Financial Literacy Grant / subventions d’éducation financière TD

Sorensen, Jean jean.sorensen at ottawa.ca
Tue Mar 12 15:27:04 EDT 2013

La version francaise suit 

-----Original Message-----
From: manju.joseph at servicecanada.gc.ca [mailto:manju.joseph at servicecanada.gc.ca] On Behalf Of ON-TORONTO_RHQ_AR-RegionalDelivery_Executionregional-GD at servicecanada.gc.ca
Sent: March 11, 2013 2:10 PM
Subject: SEDI grants

Good Afternoon,

The TD Financial Literacy Grant Fund (the 'Fund'), managed by Social and Enterprise Development Innovations (SEDI), is the first of its kind in Canada. The Fund provides grants to charitable or other non-profit organizations that serve low income and otherwise economically disadvantaged persons and groups in Canada to support and promote financial literacy.

Additional details can be found at http://www.sedi.org/grantfund/HowTo.html 
For more information, please contact:
Michael Scott, Manager 
TD Financial Literacy Grant Fund 
Email: mscott at sedi.org 
Phone: 416-665-2828 x. 238


Le Fonds de subventions d’éducation financière TD (le « Fonds »), géré par Social and Enterprise Development Innovations (SEDI), est le premier programme en son genre au Canada. Le Fonds fournit des subventions à des organisations caritatives et à des organismes sans but lucratif qui desservent les personnes et les groupes à faible revenu ou démunis sur le plan économique afin de soutenir et promouvoir l’éducation financière au sein de ces résidants du Canada.

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