[homeles_ot-l] ACORN Members March 10 for 10! Digital Access Now!

Jill O'Reilly onacornot at acorncanada.org
Tue Apr 8 13:33:18 EDT 2014

MARCH AND RALLY: ACORN Members March 10 for 10 on April 17! 10k March for
$10/month internet.  We're searching for an internet signal 'cause we can't
afford our own! ACORN Canada members are demanding affordable internet
access for low income families to address the needs of low income families
for high speed internet for daily tasks like job searching, parents and
kids participating in school programming, students accessing university or
college, immigration and government programs.  ACORN members want a
national program of $10/month high speed internet and subsidized computers
for people below the Low Income Measure.     Ottawa members are seeking
support of not only the federal government but also Rogers, Bell and Telus.
Rogers has agreed to provide a $10/month program and is piloting this in
Toronto Community Housing currently; we are still wanting a faster product
for families as the current speed is not sufficient. Telus has also met
with us in good faith and looking into possible programs. Bell continues to
ignore our requests to meet.

*When:* Thursday, April 17 at 11am; march until 2pm.

*Where:*  Kick off rally at the Human Rights Monument located at the corner
of Elgin and Lisgar St; then members will march 10K around the city. Our
route will run north up Elgin, west on Wellington to Parliament Hill, to
the War Museum then south on Rochester to Catherine, east on Catherine unto
Elgin. Members will make a quick stop to the Minister of Industry, MP James
Moore's office, at Queen and O'Connor finally ending at the Human Rights

*Why:* We need digital access now!

All welcome!

Access to the internet is increasingly recognized by countries around the
world as an essential tool for participation in modern democratic society.
Canada is the only G7 nation without a national broadband plan.  The
federal budget earmarked $305 million over five years to extend and enhance
broadband Internet service for Canadians in rural and Northern
communities, *but
nothing for the urban poor.*

According to a Statistics Canada 2012 survey, 42% of households in the
lowest quartile of $30,000 or less do not have home Internet access;
compared to 98% in the highest income quartile.  This "digital divide"
excludes low-income individuals and families from what the United Nations
now considers to be a human right, comparable with freedom of speech.

ACORN Canada - the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now,
Canada - is among the nation's largest organizations of low- and
moderate-income families, with over 51,000 members in more than 20
communities working together for social and economic justice.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Jill O'Reilly 613 744 7228/808 6523,
onacornot at acorncanada.org

Jill O'Reilly

Head Organizer, Ottawa ACORN
ACORN Canada
Facebook: ACORN Canada and Ottawa ACORN
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