[homeles_ot-l] Launch of the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness

Mike Bulthuis mike at endhomelessnessottawa.ca
Mon Dec 8 12:02:21 EST 2014

On November 26, 2014, the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness (COH) was
formally launched.


As noted below, the Observatory takes the work of the Canadian Homelessness
Research Network an important step further with an ambitious program of
research that includes local, provincial and national monitoring activities,
as well as original research that not only contributes to the scholarship on
homelessness, but enhances the impact of research on solutions to
homelessness by establishing an evidence base and knowledge mobilization


The Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa is proud to be a Partner
Organization with the COH, and looks forward to active collaboration with
others across Canada, through the COH, on a number of research priority
areas. We look forward to dialogue that will bring our local experience to
COH partners, and that will enable us in Ottawa to learn from elsewhere. 


For more information on the Canadian Observatory, click here:


Canadian Observatory On Homelessness


Who are we?

The Canadian Observatory on Homelessness is a non-profit, non-partisan
research institute that is committed to conducting and mobilizing research
so as to contribute to solutions to homelessness.  We work together as a
group of researchers, service providers, policy and decision makers, people
with lived experience of homelessness as well as graduate and undergraduate
students from across Canada with a passion for social justice issues and a
desire to solve homelessness in our communities.


How did we get started?

Back in 2005 at the first ever research conference on homelessness in Canada
(York University), we consulted with those who attended and decided there
was a need to address the gap between research, policy and practice.  In
2008, the Canadian Homelessness Research Network (CHRN) was established.
Its goal was to formally bring together researchers, governments,
communities and people with lived experience of homelessness from across
Canada in order to better mobilize research and increase its impact on
policy and practice.  In other words, this group wanted to take research
about homelessness out of the ivory tower and put it into the hands of
decision makers, service providers, communities, and the general public.
Research can and should have an impact on solutions to homelessness.


The CHRN quickly established a national (and international) reputation for
our networking and knowledge mobilization work. The Homeless Hub, the
world's largest repository of homelessness research, put us on the map!


Over the past several years, the CHRN has contributed to the Canadian
dialogue and enhanced solutions to homelessness.  Our MO is to take
evidence-based research, present it in clear language and with practical
applications and recommendations. 


In 2012, CHRN members knew that still more was needed.  The group decided to
establish the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness (COH). 


What do we do?

The COH takes the work of the CHRN an important step further with an
ambitious program of research that includes local, provincial and national
monitoring activities, as well as original research that not only
contributes to the scholarship on homelessness, but enhances the impact of
research on solutions to homelessness by establishing an evidence base and
knowledge mobilization strategy.


Some of our seminal pieces of work over the years include:

.         The Canadian Definition of Homelessness
<http://www.homelesshub.ca/CHRNhomelessdefinition>  and typology are
intended to improve understanding, measurement and responses to homelessness
in Canada by providing a common 'language' for addressing this complex

.         A framework <http://homelesshub.ca/foyer>  and toolkit
<http://homelesshub.ca/foyer-toolkit>  reflecting on the possibilities of
adapting and improving on the Foyer model for Canada;

.         The first book to examine how Housing First
<http://www.homelesshub.ca/housingfirstcanada>  has been applied in Canada;

.         A book comprised of the best Canadian research and policy analysis
to better inform the efforts of those working to address youth homelessness
<http://www.homelesshub.ca/youthhomelessness> ;

.         The first extensive Canadian report card on homelessness
<http://www.homelesshub.ca/sohc2013> , done in partnership with the Canadian
Alliance to End Homelessness.

.         A Housing First framework
<http://homelesshub.ca/housingfirstyouth>  adapted to the needs of youth who
experience, or are at risk of, homelessness;

.         A report that documents the criminalization of homelessness
<http://homelesshub.ca/caniseeyourID>  in Toronto by exploring the
relationship between homeless persons - in particular, street youth - and
law enforcement officials.

.         Solutions-focused content <http://homelesshub.ca/solutions>  that
highlight evidence-based interventions and initiatives that can contribute
to ending homelessness.


What are our current areas of focus?

.         Exploring Effective "Systems Responses" to Homelessness

.         Understanding and Facilitating the Implementation of Effective
Models of Housing and Support

.         Addressing Aboriginal Homelessness in Canada

.         Developing a Framework for Homelessness Prevention

.         Identifying Effective Responses to Youth Homelessness

.         Understanding the Legal and Justice Issues Experienced by People
who are Homeless

.         Measuring Progress towards Ending Homelessness

.         Advancing Knowledge Mobilization and Research Impact strategies in
the Homelessness Sector


As the project evolves, Research Priority Areas may be added or removed
based on changing policy/practice climates.


How can you get involved? For questions about the Observatory, feel free to
contact the Alliance - or the Observatory in the ways noted below (and
outlined on the website noted above): 


The COH is open to individuals, researchers, advocates, service providers,
community organizations and government officials interested in and/or
involved in issues related to homelessness, and who agree to support our
principles and mission.


If you're interested in becoming one of the COH's Partner Organizations,
apply in writing to the Project Manager of the Canadian Observatory on
Homelessness, identifying your organization's name, full contact
information, what your mandate is and a justification for affiliation with
the COH.


If you're interested in becoming an affiliated researcher, apply in writing
to the Project Manager of the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness,
identifying who you are, your organizational affiliation, full contact
information, and justification for affiliation with the COH.



Mike Bulthuis

Executive Director


Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa

171 George Street, Ottawa ON K1N 5W5

613-241-1573, ext. 314


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