[homeles_ot-l] The books we own(ed)

Linda Lalonde linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 24 01:41:08 EST 2014

Hi folks,

You may be aware of the purging of intellectual material in federal departmental libraries. This is a good summary from different sources of the devastation that's being carried out supposedly in the name of austerity. It seems that the Tories think that if you destroy the records, the facts will disappear with them. It appears that this activity may even be illegal - not that such delicacies have stopped them before.

I can't imagine what it's like for the creators of all that information and material to see years of labour go up in smoke or be sent to the dump. The articles refer to it as 'landfill' but let's call a dump what it is. Maybe research about marine life and other scientific topics isn't on your bedtime reading list so you don't think this matters. While this is probably not true, you need to look at this broadly. What will the Tories dump next? Very soon, it will be something of importance to you - it's only a matter of time. 

Unless they are stopped.


A BOOK BURNING IN HARPER'S CANADA..10 Canadians were randomly asked if they were aware of this.. not one person knew. It's up to you to SHARE! 

Harper's war on our environment, science and knowledge is an act of treason against the people of Canada, our history and our future generations. 

"The massacre was done quickly, with no record keeping and no attempt to preserve the material in
 universities. Scientists said precious collections were consigned to dumpsters, were burned or went to landfills."http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/capt-trevor-greene/science-cuts-canada_b_4534729.html 

"Canadian Scientists say records and research created by tens of millions of taxpayer dollars have been burned, put in landfills, or given away. "http://www.news1130.com/2014/01/06/irreplaceable-research-lost-from-purged-federal-libraries/ 

"Libraries being trashed, books being burned? Reminds one of another century—or of Ray Bradbury’s classic novel, Fahrenheit 451, about an age when books are banned and “firemen” are sent out to burn them. But this is now reality in Stephen Harper’s Canada." http://www.aec-cea.ca/2014/01/wanton-conservative-vandalism.html

The Harper Government Has Trashed and Destroyed Environmental Books and Documents "documents reportedly dumped in landfills or burned, leading some scientists to refer to it as a ‘libricide." http://www.vice.com/en_ca/read/the-harper-government-has-trashed-and-burned-environmental-books-and-documents 

After Muzzling Scientists, Harper Government Now Moves On To Book Burnings http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140107/03124225784/after-muzzling-scientists-canadian-government-now-moves-to-book-burnings.shtml

Imagine a First-World nation blessed with the longest coastline in the world deliberately DESTROYING all but two of its nine fisheries, ocean and environmental LIBRARIES. In a recent article in the B.C. newspaper The Tyee, award-winning journalist and author Andrew Nikiforuk says the Harper government’s library closures have been “so chaotic
 that irreplaceable collections of intellectual capital built by Canadian taxpayers for future generations has been lost forever.”http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/2014/01/08/book-burning-21st-century-style/#.UwosD22UNvY

An unnamed DFO scientist told the Tyee cuts to the department's libraries were made by senior officials within the department WITHOUT CONSULTING fisheries researchers. 

"The cuts were carried out in great haste apparently in
 order to meet some unknown agenda," the scientist said. "No
 records have been provided with regard to what material has been dumped or the value of this public property. No formal attempt was made to transfer material to libraries of existing academic institutions." http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/canada-librarians-tories-policy-closing-government-run-libraries-234244717.html 

Scientists suggested "that interested individuals should drop-in and loot [the] library before the bonfires
 begin." http://bit.ly/1idMZgQ

Shutting down our libraries broke the law- Library closures were illegal: -Elizabeth May http://bit.ly/1hedWPl

 (1) No government or ministerial record, whether or not it is surplus property of a
 government institution, shall be disposed of, including by being destroyed, without the written consent of the Librarian and Archivist ' 


"Schindler and other scientists compared the division of fish into valuable and non-valuable species to the wildlife equivalent of eugenics, the Nazi idea that some humans are more racially fit than others. "http://thetyee.ca/News/2012/03/24/Fisheries-Act-Gutting/ 


"Many Canadian scientists have compared the war on environmental science to the rise
 of fascism in 1930's Europe. Hutchings muses, "you look at the rise of certain political parties in the 1930s and have to ask how could that happen and how did they adopt such extreme ideologies so quickly, and how could that happen in a democracy today?" -Capt Trevor Greene, Canadian veteran, Best-Selling Author http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/capt-trevor-greene/science-cuts-canada_b_4534729.html 

"One of the marks of authoritarian regimes is their effort to stop the spread of knowledge and free speech. In May 1933, Nazi sympathizers in Berlin burned 20,000 "degenerate" books" http://articles.latimes.com/2004/oct/13/opinion/oe-ross13

Heinrich Heine on Burning Books: “That was mere foreplay. Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.” This quote was made in 1821, over a hundred years prior to the Nazi's who burned books and committed the worst human atrocities know as 'The Holocaust' http://abt.cm/1enTJBP Christian Johann Heinrich Heine (13 December 1797 – 17 February 1856) was a German poet, journalist, essayist, and literary critic. http://bit.ly/1i9CQzc

Editorial cartoon by Gareth Lind, source: http://yhoo.it/1lWi3Ch

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."  Dr Seuss.
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