[homeles_ot-l] Upcoming Webinar: Housing First in Rural Canada

Mike Bulthuis mike at endhomelessnessottawa.ca
Fri Jun 20 17:34:30 EDT 2014

Homeless Hub presents

Webinar: Housing First in Rural Canada

Wednesday, July 9, 2014 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EDT

Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7812243779779864834


Join us for this informative session with Dr. Jeannette Waegemakers Schiff
(University of Calgary) and Dr. Alina Turner (Turner Research & Strategy
Inc.) who will take us through their latest study which looks at rural
homelessness and Housing First feasibility across 22 Canadian communities.
The webinar will be followed by a Q&A period. Everyone is welcome to





This study examined rural homelessness dynamics in 22 communities spanning
Canada's provinces and territories. The main aim of the research was to
develop a preliminary understanding of the scope of rural homelessness from
a comparative lens and identify whether and how Housing First as an approach
and program type can be implemented in a rural context.



Mike Bulthuis

Executive Director

Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa

171 George Street, Ottawa ON K1N 5W5

613-241-1573, ext. 314


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