[homeles_ot-l] Broadening the Base Update | May 7 Info Meeting + Project Coordinator Posting

Mike Bulthuis mike at endhomelessnessottawa.ca
Tue Apr 28 11:01:15 EDT 2015

Broadening the Base - April Update


(1) May 7 Information Session

(2) Project Coordinator - Contract (Applications due May 13)


Broadening the Base (BtB) is a community-centered, collaborative and
inclusive Ottawa initiative with the goal of catalyzing and leveraging land,
property, philanthropic and development resources to support the building of
1,500 new affordable housing units over the next five years; to provide
sustainable, long term and affordable accommodation for key vulnerable
populations including: individuals who are chronically homeless; low income
families with young children; youth at risk; Aboriginal people, and;
vulnerable seniors.


BtB is based on a community engagement and design process.  Through 2014 and
into early this year, BtB involved extensive consultations with community
organizations, and received strong support to move to the next stage.  Thus,
through 2015 and into early 2016, BtB will move into a Design Phase to
determine how key affordable housing support pillars including: a Land
Trust, new Partnership Housing Models, a Philanthropic Campaign and a Social
Impact Fund could most effectively become a base of accelerated affordable
housing efforts in Ottawa.  Read more at:


.         Community Information Session (May 7): Hear an update on the
Design Phase and meet the Co-Convenors of the Design Circles. The
information session will take place on Thursday May 7, 3:30 - 5:00 pm, at
the CCOC Beaver Barracks, 464 Metcalfe Street. All are welcome! Additional
details available here
Session-Notice.pdf> .


.         Broadening the Base is hiring a Project Coordinator! The
Broadening the Base (BtB) Coordinator will assist in various aspects of the
administration, coordination, leadership and promotion of the BtB
initiative. The Coordinator should be a leader in the Ottawa non-profit
sector, with strong organizational skills and project management experience.
The Coordinator will lead the Broadening the Base initiative, administer and
lead the 5 BtB Development Circles and support the BtB Core Design Team.
r-Job-Posting-Broadening-the-Base.2015.04.23.pdf> A full position
description is available by clicking here (Deadline for Applications:
Wednesday, May 13, 5:00 pm)


On behalf of the Broadening the Base team, 




Mike Bulthuis

Executive Director


Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa

171 George Street, Ottawa ON K1N 5W5

613-241-1573, ext. 314


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