[homeles_ot-l] BtB Community Meeting December 7 and Opportunity to bring forward your affordable housing idea

Gina Grosenick coordinator at btbottawa.ca
Thu Dec 3 08:10:34 EST 2015

BtB will be hosting a community meeting on December 7 at CCOC Beaver
Barracks (464 Metcalfe) from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.  Please see attached
notice for specific details. If you have not already done so, please RSVP
to coordinator at btbottawa.ca

To complement and provide further insight into BtBs *Invitation to
Collaborate*, following a report by BtB and each design circle on their
recent activities, time on the agenda will be set aside to allow for any
group/individual to describe, in 90s, their idea for a potential innovative
affordable housing development project for Ottawa.  Following these project
descriptions we will allow for networking time so that other community
members who may be interested in the idea can connect with presenters to
discuss possible collaboration and/or projects can connect with design
circle co-conveners to identify potential alignment with some of the work
being done in the design circle.

If you are interested in presenting your potential project, please send me
an email before noon on December 5 to sign up.  Presentation slots are
limited -- first come first served.  You will receive a return email to
confirm your participation.  If you require more information, please feel
free to contact our coordinator at (613) 862-7601

Gina Grosenick, Ph.D.
Broadening the Base
(613) 862-7601
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