[homeles_ot-l] Fwd: [New post] “….workers and leaders can often best find the gaps that matter by listening very carefully to the people they serve: patients and families.”

Bill Dare bill.dare at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 09:13:53 EST 2015

HI, I found this article within a presentation by a CHEO leader in patient
engagement and organizational change was presenting to the LHIN. Bill Dare

Bill Dare posted: "Glen  and team in an article from the British Medical
Journal  "argues" ... ...patients can and should take a more direct and
ongoing role in identifying, implementing, and evaluating improvements to
healthcare services. We discuss examples of projects i" Respond to this
post by replying above this line
New post on *Social & Health Practice Ottawa*
and leaders can often best find the gaps that matter by listening very
carefully to the people they serve: patients and families.”
Bill Dare

Glen Robert and team members in an article from the British Medical Journal
 "argues" ...

...patients can and should take a more direct and ongoing role in
identifying, implementing, and evaluating improvements to healthcare
services. We discuss examples of projects in which patients and staff have
worked together and suggest that codesign methods have the potential to
make patient centred services a reality.5
<http://www.bmj.com/content/350/bmj.g7714.full.pdf+html#ref-5> 6

[image: Figure1]

I find the researchers focus on both separation and then bringing together
both patients and front line workers that go into working groups an
inspired approach to be able to cooperate with organizational leadership.

Got to say the graphic is *rather fun too!*
*Bill Dare
| December 5, 2015 at 9:09 pm | Categories: Healthy Organizations
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