[homeles_ot-l] Invitation to MarketMobile Launch June 17th, 3:15 pm - Bayshore Park Field House, 175 Woodridge Crescent

Linda Lalonde linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 15 18:04:32 EDT 2015

Hi folks,

Some of you will have heard of the MarketMobile which is a travelling grocery store that visited four communities every two weeks last year using a chartered OC Transpo bus bringing very reasonably priced fruits and vegetables to folks without easy access to a grocery store. The next phase of the MarketMobile will be launched on Wednesday at Bayshore Park, 175 Woodridge Crescent.
A pick-up truck and a large trailer have been purchased which will make it possible to stock more produce and we will be visiting four additional communities on a biweekly schedule. This has been made possible through a grant from the Community Foundation of Ottawa which funded the truck and trailer plus a year of operating expenses.
Please join us on Wednesday - in addition to participating in the launch events, you will have an opportunity to shop at the MarketMobile so bring some cash!!
Linda. “You have to be odd to be number one." Dr Seuss.

 Please join us in celebrating the launch of the new and expanded MarketMobile at Bayshore Park Field House located at 175 Woodridge Cres on Wednesday, June 17th at 3:15 pm.    The celebration will include brief remarks by key community partners, opportunities to come aboard and view the new infrastructure, and will coincide with the season opening of the Bayshore Park Community Oven.    The MarketMobile, an initiative of the Poverty and Hunger Working Group and the Coalition of Community Health and Resource Centres, is a mobile grocery store that brings fresh, affordable, and culturally-appropriate vegetables and fruit to Ottawa neighbourhoods that have limited access to healthy food. Produce on the MarketMobile is selected based on residents’ needs and cultural preferences, purchased in bulk and sold on a cost recovery basis. Beginning this spring, the MarketMobile will operate year-round, two days per week, visiting the communities of Bayshore, Caldwell, Morrison Gardens, Mechanicsville, Sandy Hill, Carsons, Hunt-Club East and Vars. For the complete MarketMobile schedule, please visitwww.marketmobileottawa.ca     Over the course of the 21 week MarketMobile pilot project (July-December, 2014), the MarketMobile sold $21,685 worth of fresh produce (retail value: $30,359) into communities that otherwise would not have had easy access to healthy, affordable foods.    For more information and to RSVP, please contactKaitrin.Doll at crcrr.org or call 613-745-0073 ext 136. We look forward to seeing you there!    -The MarketMobile Steering Committee                 


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