[homeles_ot-l] Save the Date | Call for Submissions (November 24 Community Forum)

Mike Bulthuis mike at endhomelessnessottawa.ca
Fri Oct 9 08:25:37 EDT 2015

*Save the Date!*

12th annual Community Forum on Ending Homelessness in Ottawa

*presented by the Alliance to End Homelessness*

*Tuesday, November 24, 2015 *

RA Centre (2451 Riverside Drive)

*Call for Submissions: Table Talks and Poster Presentations*
Calling all community agencies, organizations, and local researchers
(including students)!  We invite participants to *lead a noon-hour Table
Talk* or *present a poster* on issues related to homelessness and
affordable housing in our community. For details, see the attached
one-pager, or consult the Call for Submissions online

Submissions can be directed to Ofelia Levoir, the Families First
Coordinator at PQCHC, and member of the Alliance Research Committee. Ofelia
can be reached via email at: o.levoir at pqchc.com || *The deadline for
submissions is Friday, November 6, 2015.*

*Forum Registration opens soon! *
This year's program will enable the continuing tradition of research
engaging practice to improve Ottawa’s response to homelessness. *Our
Opening Keynote will be presented by Dr. Travis P. Baggett, MD* -- a
faculty clinician-investigator in the Massachusetts General Hospital, an
Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and a staff
physician at the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. He is the
recipient of a career development award from the National Institute on Drug
Abuse of the National Institutes of Health in support of research to
understand and address tobacco use among homeless individuals. Dr.
Baggett's research focuses on the health of homeless people, with an
emphasis on addictive behaviors and their medical consequences in this
population. Read more here

*This year's Forum is generously sponsored by the Canadian Mental Health
Association - Ottawa Branch, John Howard Society of Ottawa, Ottawa Inner
City Health and the Shepherds of Good Hope. *

*Mike Bulthuis*
Executive Director

*Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa*
171 George Street, Ottawa ON K1N 5W5
Office: 613-241-1573 x 314
Mobile: 613-222-9831
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