[homeles_ot-l] Ottawa Board of Health considering motions on harm reduction and supervised injection on Monday

Sue Garvey sue.garvey at cornerstonewomen.ca
Thu Jun 16 09:48:11 EDT 2016

Keep up the awesome work, Rob!

From: homeles_ot-l [mailto:homeles_ot-l-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Rob Boyd
Sent: June-16-16 9:35 AM
To: Alliance
Subject: [homeles_ot-l] Ottawa Board of Health considering motions on harm reduction and supervised injection on Monday

Hi Everyone,

No doubt you have heard that Dr. Isra Levy is supporting an expansion of harm reduction services including supervised injection.  The Board of Health is meeting on Monday to consider key motions to protect the health and safety of some of our most vulnerable citizens.

We are encouraging people to turn out to support people who use drugs who experience significant barriers to recovery due to poverty and chronic homelessness, severe and persistent mental illness, extensive life trauma, and frequent incarceration.

You can read the excellent report on the Board of Health Website.  click the hyperlink to the June 20th meeting.

Hope to see you on Monday!  And please encourage people with lived experience to come.

Ottawa Board of Health

Monday, June 20, 2016, 5:00 PM
Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West
That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit:
1.    Receive for information this report, including the accompanying technical report, outlining statistical data about problematic substance use in Ottawa, including prevention, harm reduction and treatment options as well as Supervised Injection Services (SIS) models in existence elsewhere and estimated implementation costs;
2.    Adopt a guiding principle stating Ottawa Public Health’s support for evidence-informed enhancements to harm reduction services, including SIS, as outlined in this report; and
3.    Direct Ottawa Public Health staff to facilitate a consultative process with the community, service providers and other interested stakeholders with respect to the addition of supervised injection services (SIS) as part of the various enhancements to harm reduction programming for Ottawa, as outlined in this report.

   Que le Conseil de santé de la circonscription sanitaire de la ville d’Ottawa :

1.    Prenne connaissance du présent rapport d’information, y compris le rapport

technique afférent, qui contiennent des données statistiques sur la toxicomanie à Ottawa, notamment sur la prévention, la réduction des méfaits et les options de traitement ainsi que sur les modèles de centres d’injection supervisée (CIS) existant ailleurs dans le monde et les coûts de mise en œuvre;

2.    Adopte un principe directeur exprimant le soutien de Santé publique Ottawa

pour des améliorations aux services de réduction des méfaits, comme les CIS, améliorations qui seraient fondées sur des données probantes et dont il est question dans le présent rapport; et

3.    Demande au personnel de Santé publique Ottawa d’entreprendre un

processus de consultation auprès des citoyens, des fournisseurs de services et des autres parties intéressées au sujet de l’ouverture de centres d’injection supervisée, dans le cadre des mesures d’amélioration des programmes de réduction des méfaits à Ottawa, comme l’explique le rapport.

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