[homeles_ot-l] Let's Take the Next Step to End Homelessness

Hale, Katherine Katherine.Hale at ottawa.ca
Mon Nov 7 11:25:42 EST 2016

A Message from Iain De Jong President and CEO  OrgCode Consulting Inc.

I wanted to reach as many of you as possible at one time to talk about taking the next step to end homelessness - in depth knowledge transfer and enriched professional development.

Over the last couple years we have been listening, and this is what we heard:

- people within your organization/community need more training to be awesome at ending homelessness
- communities don’t want to pay for the same training over and over again when there is staff turnover
- you want to know not just how to do a particular piece of work, but how to make it sustainable and bring it to scale across your entire organization or community
- at a conference session or even one day training on a subject you never seem to get all you need to move forward
- your staff have a broad range of experience and existing knowledge, and a number of different learning styles

Based upon what we heard, we created the Learning Clinics for 2017. These represent a direct response to input from people like you, and demonstrates the next huge risk we are taking at OrgCode (if no one signs up this was all for nothing).
You can learn more about them and sign up directly at www.orgcode.eventbrite.com<UrlBlockedError.aspx>

Learning Clinic Subjects
Most of the learning clinics are being offered twice, in geographically diverse cities. Some of the clinics are in Canada and some are in the United States. The content is the same no matter which one you go to (you can be an international student for a couple days!).

Starting in January, we have Housing Stabilization Clinics in Ottawa and Las Vegas<UrlBlockedError.aspx>  Please sign up soon if you are planning attending. These are focused helping your community keep most of the households with higher needs housed. There are special tracks for youth, families, and single adults. Even if you are getting decent results in your housing with supports, this will offer new tools and strategies and help you bring great practice to scale.

In March, we do Coordinated Entry in San Diego and Hamilton (technically Burlington…less than an hour from Toronto Pearson Airport). I suspect your community is already doing some work on Coordinated Entry. This two-day immersion experience will help you make critical refinements in your process - both as it relates to services and how you leverage your data systems in the process. There are special tracks for youth and families, as well as the general track for single adults and systems that coordinated all subpopulations together.

Then later that month we offer How to be An Awesome Shelter in Edmonton and Dallas. This is focused on helping shelters return to - or transition to becoming - completely housing focused, seeing shelters as a process of becoming housed again. It helps shelters focus on services that help with housing. Like the other ones, there are tracks for youth, families and single adults.

If your community approach to planning your approach to ending homelessness, monitoring results, providing governance to the homeless services system, and making funding decisions better could use some improvement, then the April sessions on Kick Butt Continua of Care is what you want. One of these are in Providence and the other is in Phoenix.

May is a busy month with two different themes being covered. We start the month in Minneapolis focusing on Solutions to Rural Homelessness. We hope that people in rural communities throughout Canada and the United States will find this Clinic focused on their specific needs to be helpful.

Then later in May we take on Street Outreach to Housing. Those happen in Saskatoon and Nashville. In these sessions we will be focusing on engaging with people that are not using other services, but still need to be housed.

We conclude the first half of the year in June with a conversation about HMIS in Pittsburgh and then again in Denver. We know that many communities struggle with how to use data in a meaningful way, how to prepare dashboards that help guide the work, and that many of the same mistakes are made over and over again. We can and will do better!

Learning Clinic Format
These are not conferences. They are clinics. Most are 1.5 days in length and some are 2 days in length. All of them start with theory so that the ideas are grounded in the main currents of thought, practice and evidence. We then tradition to practice - how exactly do you do what we are talking about. And we finish with implementation - how do you bring this back to your organization or community to bring this to scale.

It is also our intention to create a community of practice through each clinic so that you have a cohort of people you can stay connected with to work through that which you have learned.

You will be provided ALL of the materials you need to be successful.

Partners and Helpers
While we have considerable expertise in these subjects from our work around the world, we are not going alone in thinking we have nailed all of the content or that our perspective is the only perspective or always the right one. We are working with our good friends from Community Solutions on the Coordinated Entry clinics. We are gathering insights from the likes of the National Alliance to End Homelessness, Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, and, Housing and Urban Development for the other sessions. You will not hear anything out of line with policy directives or guidelines from government, and in fact, may get ahead on where some of these topics are headed in the future.

We are keeping the price as low as possible, and even still may end up losing money. The 1.5 day sessions are $400 (USD) and the 2 day sessions are $450 (USD). [Note: The prices are the exact same and in American funds no matter if you are attending in Canada or the United States]. The fee gets you all of the materials, snacks, breakfast and lunch (the number of which are determined by the 1.5 or 2 day sessions). If you are looking on how best to invest some of your training and professional development dollars for 2017, we promise this will be a wise investment.

Thanks for considering attending. If you cannot attend, please share this information with others in your organization and community as a whole. We want to take the next step in ending homelessness, and we want to journey with you to do achieve this very important goal. If you have any questions, please reach out to events at orgcode.com<UrlBlockedError.aspx> We suspect that many of these - if not all of them - will sell out. Don’t delay, register today<UrlBlockedError.aspx>!

Iain De Jong
President and CEO
OrgCode Consulting Inc.

Office: 416-698-9700 ext 1
iPhone: 416-432-0410
Email: idejong at orgcode.com<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
Web: www.orgcode.com<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
Twitter: @orgcode
Facebook: www.facebook.com/orgcode<UrlBlockedError.aspx>


Housing Stabilization that Works (Ottawa)
OrgCode Consulting, Inc.<https://w6.ottawa.ca/owa/Katherine.Hale@ottawa.ca/>
Monday, January 9, 2017 at 9:00 AM - Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 4:00 PM (EST)
Ottawa, ON<https://w6.ottawa.ca/owa/Katherine.Hale@ottawa.ca/>

[Housing Stabilization that Works (Ottawa)]

Event Details
How can you ensure at least four out of five people you serve stay housed forever, especially if they have higher acuity?

Building on more than two decades of research, practice and evaluation, this two day workshop will walk participants through the essential tasks and important practices that will increase housing retention, while also lowering the household’s acuity and improving quality of life. It will also teach you which data to track, how to track it, and what it means to have powerful housing stability dashboards. Furthermore, a leading expert in landlord engagement will walk participants through very successful approaches to landlord recruitment and retention. There are three specific streams with customized instruction: youth, families, and single adults.



January 9, 2017

Registration - 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Sessions 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Session 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

January 10, 2017

Sessions 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Sessions 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Venue: The Housing Stabilization will be held at the Courtyard by Marriott Ottawa Downtown Hotel. OrgCode has secured a limited number of rooms on a block at a rate of $140/night. Please make your reservations no later than Friday, December 9, 2016 by calling 613-241-1000. Reference the code "OrgCode Consulting Housing Stabilization."

Things to do there: The Courtyard is within a four-block radius of the historic Byward Market, which consists of 150 restaurants, cafés, bistros and nightclubs.

Attendees can walk to Parliament Hill, the National Arts Centre, or since it will be winter, skate on the Rideau Canal.

Getting there: Attendees can fly into the Ottawa Macdonald-Carier International Airport (YOW). Parking is available on-site at the hotel on a limited basis for $19.50/day. Uber and cabs are available to get you from the airport to the hotel.

More information on the OrgCode Learning Clinics for 2017 can be found here<https://w6.ottawa.ca/owa/Katherine.Hale@ottawa.ca/>.

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