[homeles_ot-l] Ending Poverty in Canada - Saint Paul University, Ottawa

Darlene O'Leary darlene at cpj.ca
Thu Oct 6 14:35:16 EDT 2016

A one-day conference on policy, social innovation, and community.

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Citizens for Public Justice is co-hosting a one-day conference on poverty in Canada.
Join us on October 20th in Ottawa!


Policy, Social Innovation, and Community

Join community, academic, and faith-based organizations in sharing ideas and experiences of how policy, social innovation, and community action can work together to end poverty.

Saint Paul University, 223 Main Street | Ottawa, ON
8:30am - 4:00pm | Thursday, October 20, 2016

Speakers will include:

  *   Senator Art Eggleton
  *   David Macdonald, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
  *   Sue Wilson, London Poverty Research Centre
  *   Angella MacEwen, Canadian Labour Congress
  *   Jocelyn Wattam, First Nations Child and Family Caring Society
  *   Simon Tremblay-Pepin, Saint Paul University
  *   Joe Gunn, Citizens for Public Justice
  *   and more<http://cpj.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a90945b6cbae71eebd4485b0b&id=54f98fb2eb&e=a3ce55b051>!
Panel discussions and workshops will cover a range of policy, research, and community-based approaches: Basic Income · Indigenous Child Poverty · Human Rights · Community Food Access · Lived Experience of Poverty · Green Economy · Advocacy · Engaging Faith Communities

For more info, contact Darlene O'Leary<mailto:darlene at cpj.ca>.

This event is being hosted by Citizens for Public Justice, the OMI Lacombe Office of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation, and Saint Paul University.

Copyright © 2016, Citizens for Public Justice, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
cpj at cpj.ca<mailto:cpj at cpj.ca>

#501-309 Cooper Street
Ottawa, ON K2P 0G5

T: 1-800-667-8046
F: 613-232-1275

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