[homeles_ot-l] Fwd: [New post] Consultation on feds’ Poverty Reduction Strategy, Wednesday May 31st

Bill Dare bill.dare at gmail.com
Thu May 25 06:07:06 EDT 2017

Bill Dare posted: "From Linda Lalonde outlining suggestions to approach the
federal consultation, with a bunch of "highlighting from me. Hi Folks, Tell
the federal government how to reduce poverty in Canada! The Ottawa Poverty
Reduction Network (OPRN) needs your input. "
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New post on *Social & Health Practice Ottawa*
on feds’ Poverty Reduction Strategy, Wednesday May 31st
Bill Dare

*From Linda Lalonde outlining suggestions to approach the federal
consultation, with a bunch of "highlighting from me.*

Hi Folks,

Tell the federal government how to reduce poverty in Canada! The Ottawa
Poverty Reduction Network (OPRN) needs your input.

As you may know, the federal government is looking at developing a Poverty
Reduction Strategy in the near future and is consulting people about what
that would look like. They are doing that primarily via an on-line survey
but there is also an option of an in-person consultation. They have
contracted the Tamarack Institute to get consultations done in up to 30
communities across Canada through their Vibrant Communities - Cities
Reducing Poverty initiative which Ottawa is part of with the OPRN as lead.
What would make a difference in our community? What do we need to improve?
What do we need to get rid of? What could the feds do to reduce poverty?

We're holding *two sessions on May 31st, one from 1 to 4 pm and the second
from 6:30 to 9:30 pm* to get your opinion. Both sessions are the same so
you only need to attend one and the evening session has limited space so
please come in the afternoon if you can. They will be at the Overbrook
Community Centre, 33 Quill St, Ottawa.

Registration is at:


This event is free but we will accept donations of bus tickets and other
support. As we get more bus tickets, the number of "Tickets with bus fare"
will increase. Bus tickets for participants will be available at the event
if requested in advance - please choose the ticket that includes bus fare.
The #18 bus comes to the Centre from St Laurent Station and the Rideau
Centre and stops right outside on Quill at Queen Mary.

There is parking behind the Centre and on surrounding streets.

A report will be provided to all participants and the federal government
following the event.

If you want to do some prep, take a look at the Dignity for All National
Anti-Poverty Plan which will give you some background and ideas. It's at:


We hope that you can join us and guide the federal government towards a
poverty reduction strategy that will work.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Linda. linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com

“Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing
exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the
well-housed, well-warmed, and well-fed.” - Herman Melville

*Bill Dare
| May 25, 2017 at 10:04 am | Categories: Income Security & access to the
social determinants of health
| URL: http://wp.me/pI0h2-kg

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