[homeles_ot-l] Fwd: [New post] “What plans to change the ODSP definition would mean to people with disabilities in Ontario” – ISAC provides analysis

Bill Dare bill.dare at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 08:16:28 EST 2018

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From: Social & Health Practice Ottawa <comment-reply at wordpress.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 at 07:59
Subject: [New post] “What plans to change the ODSP definition would mean to
people with disabilities in Ontario” – ISAC provides analysis
To: <bill.dare at gmail.com>

Bill Dare posted: "The Income Security Advocacy Centre shares it's analysis
of the proposed ODSP admission criteria changes based on the federal CPP.
This post builds from an earlier post I made.

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New post on *Social & Health Practice Ottawa*
plans to change the ODSP definition would mean to people with disabilities
in Ontario” – ISAC provides analysis
Bill Dare

The Income *Security Advocacy Centre* shares it's analysis of the proposed
ODSP admission criteria changes based on the federal CPP.  This post builds
from an earlier post I made.

This work by by ISAC can be utilized by us all as individuals and
organizations to support further dialogue and perhaps advocacy with the
Ontario government to maintain the gains and policy directions we had
already established in mental health reform.

For example, when we consider the *Mental Health Commission's* foundational
principle to implement reform, - the need for a whole system -
inter-ministry - up and down the system of care of support for an
integrated approach to ensure we address the Social Determinants of Health.


... On November 22, the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services
announced proposed changes to the social assistance system in Ontario. One
change would make the ODSP definition of disability more like definitions
used in federal government benefit programs.

This proposed change would result in many low-income people with
disabilities in Ontario who would qualify for ODSP today not being
eligible. They would instead have to rely on the Ontario Works program,
which provides a lot less money in benefits. They will also be subject to
Ontario Works rules, which are much stricter around work requirements and
other expectations, and it is unclear whether they would have access to
critically important disability-related health benefits. ...
  *CPP-D definition* *ODSP definition*
*Level of disability* Severe Substantial – more moderate than severe, and
provides assistance to those with “significant” but not “severe” functional
*How long the disability has to last* Prolonged – i.e., long continued and
indefinite Recurrent or continuous and expected to last at least one year
*The impacts of the disability* In employment only – person must be
incapable of regularly pursuing any substantial gainful occupation In any
of three activities of daily living – personal care, community and workplace

*Please go to the ISAC background document here*:

*Bill Dare
| December 14, 2018 at 12:59 pm | Categories: Income Security & access to
the social determinants of health
Mental Health
| URL: https://wp.me/pI0h2-sv

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