[homeles_ot-l] FW: Research Assistant posting, Making the Shift Housing First for Youth Demonstration Project (Ottawa site)

Karine Redon kredon at cscvanier.com
Mon Feb 5 15:25:04 EST 2018

Thanks for sharing with your clients / networks
Merci de partager avec vos clients / réseaux

Karine Redon
Coordonnatrice du programme Experica / Experica Program Coordinator
Centre des services Communautaires Vanier/ Vanier Community Service Centre
Tél.: 613-742-4400 ext.1407
kredon at cscvanier.com<mailto:kredon at cscvanier.com>

From: homeles_ot-l [mailto:homeles_ot-l-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Lauren Kimura
Sent: February 2, 2018 2:20 PM
Subject: [homeles_ot-l] Research Assistant posting, Making the Shift Housing First for Youth Demonstration Project (Ottawa site)


​The Canadian Observatory on Homelessness (COH) is looking to hire one enthusiastic and highly motivated Research Assistant (RA) to assist with Phase One of the Making the Shift demonstration project. The goals of this groundbreaking project are to develop and test prevention-related and Housing First for Youth interventions with young people who are experiencing homeless or are at-risk of experiencing homelessness, and to build an evidence base to inform sound public policy and investment that will help young people gain housing stability and increase their employment and education participation and success. Phase One is being delivered by a partnership between A Way Home Canada, the COH, MaRS Centre for Impact Investment, two provinces (Ontario and Alberta), and dozens of community partners.

This RA position is a great opportunity for someone looking to gain experience with community-based research with youth, learn data collection processes such as survey administration and interviewing, and be a part of an interdisciplinary research team. It's also ideal for a Master's- or PhD-level student completing their studies in a research- or clinical-based social science program. We strongly encourage individuals with lived experience of homelessness to apply.

The postings are attached in both English and French.

Please forward to your relevant networks.



Lauren Kimura

Lauren Kimura, MPH
Pronouns: she / her; they / them
Research Coordinator, Making the Shift Youth Homelessness Social Innovation Lab
Canadian Observatory on Homelessness / Homeless Hub
Office: CSI Annex / York University
T: 514-594-2517
E: lkimura at edu.yorku.ca<mailto:lkimura at edu.yorku.ca>

The Canadian Observatory on Homelessness (COH) acknowledges that Toronto-York lands are the traditional Indigenous territory of the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinabek, and the Mississaugas of the New Credit. The Métis also had an historic presence here, but Toronto is not traditional Métis territory. The COH also recognizes the presence of contemporary Indigenous Peoples in Toronto-York as these territories were historically, and continue to be, a meeting place for many Indigenous nations.
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