[homeles_ot-l] Fwd: [New post] The Federal Announcement on Poverty Reduction Targets needs your help to define the “market basket”

Bill Dare bill.dare at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 08:25:44 EST 2018

Please share with your networks, Thanks, Bill Dare
Bill Dare posted: "Linda Lalonde updates us on first reading on legislation
to create their Poverty Reduction Strategy in the House and Market Basket
Measure consultation with Statistics Canada. ...The bill includes targets
for poverty reduction from 2015 figures of 20% by"
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New post on *Social & Health Practice Ottawa*
Federal Announcement on Poverty Reduction Targets needs your help to define
the “market basket”
Bill Dare

*Linda Lalonde updates us on first reading on legislation to create their
Poverty Reduction Strategy in the House and Market Basket Measure
consultation with Statistics Canada.*

...The bill includes targets for poverty reduction from 2015 figures of 20%
by 2020 and 50% by 2030. Of course, that means that 50% of Canadians living
in poverty will still be there twelve years from now. Hopefully, there will
be some kind of hearings or other ways to have input on the legislation.
Poverty Reduction Act - passed first reading Nov 6th

[image: Market Basket Measures program identifier]
Online consultation with Stat's Can- (survey) of: what matters in our
Market Basket? here:  https://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/consultation/mbm

(Stats Can consult on MBM open to Jan 31st)

The Strategy includes the creation of the first official poverty line for
Canada, the *Market Basket Measure* (MBM), and *Statistics Canada is doing
a consultation on the MBM asking about the adequacy of the levels of
expenditure they consider would pull you out of poverty.* *It gives 5
groupings of expenses, i.e food, clothing & footwear, transportation,
shelter and other necessities.*
Market Basket Measure figures from StatsCan survey
Item Family of 2 Family of 4
Food  $            670  $             950
Clothes/footwear  $            110  $             160
Transportation  $            220  $             320
Shelter  $            790  $         1,110
Other necessities  $            590  $             840
Monthly Total  $        2,380  $         3,380
Annual total  $      28,560  $       40,560

... There are also several questions about specific items such as use of
cabs/uber and whether a smart phone is a necessity. The numbers they are
suggesting add up to $28,560 for a family of two and $40,560 for a family
of four.

I find it odd that they only ask you for the number of people in your
family but not their ages to get to those numbers. The expenses of a family
of one adult and three kids will be different from one with four adults.
Things like child care and medical expenses have to be included in 'other
necessities' because there's no other place to put them. One non-subsidized
day care space would wipe out the whole amount they've allowed.  I've
attached a chart with the amounts they give for each category. If you are
familiar with the current social assistance rates, you'll see the figures
are a bit different.

Linda Lalonde for further details here: linda_lalonde_ottawa at yahoo.com

*Bill Dare
| November 9, 2018 at 1:07 pm | Categories: Income Security & access to the
social determinants of health
Social Work National Issues
| URL: https://wp.me/pI0h2-s3

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