[homeles_ot-l] Right to the City News: October 2018

Global Platform for the Right to the City Support Team isabel at hic-net.org
Fri Nov 9 08:38:51 EST 2018

GPR2C Newsletter

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												Newsletter 4 / October 2018 
									50th Anniversary of "The Right to the City"
																		Celebrating the Right to Urban Life

																		On World Day for the Right to the City, we want to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Henri Lefebvre's inspirational work "The Right to the City" with a display of initiatives to celebrate this book from different perspectives and workspaces.  In this edition of the newsletter, authors - from social movements, local governments and academia - share the different proposals carried out in different formats, from debates to urban walks, workshops, articles, magazines, exhibitions, screenings, concerts, and so on. - These contributions, from many different parts of the world, are in order to continue debating this right and reflecting on how to implement it here and now.

In this half-century, Lefebvre's work has repeatedly opened our minds and called us to collective action: it pushes us to hoist the Right to the City as a utopia or a political flag agglutinating demands and urban struggles against the spatial expressions of the domination of financial capital, excluding and segregating. It calls us to the struggle to achieve greater incidence in the definition of urban policies. It makes us reflect and debate in a recurrent manner from different disciplines, forums and places in the world. And after these 50 years of struggle we can celebrate that this right is already formulated and recognized in legal instruments and public policies, both locally and nationally, and its references are increasingly frequent in international documents, such as the New Urban Agenda.

																			Read >

						The philosopher who anticipated  May '68
						Lefebvre  is an intellectual to whom little justice has been done.


						The exercise of Rights
						A vision from urbanism and territorial planning.


						Lille, Nanterre, Grenoble
						The Right to the City Here and Now!


						A City Center for All


						What prospects fifty years after this book?

						Half a century of a revolutionary idea. 

												Declaration on the World Day for the Right to the City

																		On October 31st, we have agreed to celebrate the World Day for the Right to the City, reinterpreting United Nations designation of World Cities Day.

The reason behind this decision is simple: it is not enough to celebrate cities.

																			Read >
																International Meeting for Equal Cities
																From 28 to 31 October
																Buenos Aires
																More >

																Campus Urbano #CiudadesXJovenes
																31 October
																Buenos Aires
																More >

																World Cities Day 2018 global observance
																31 October
																More >

																World Social Forum on Migrations
																From 2 to November
																More >

																OIDP 2018
																From 25 to 27 November
																More >

																Cities, territories & struggles for human rights
																26 and 27 November
																More >
												"The right to the city is the right of all inhabitants, present and future, permanent and temporary to use, occupy and produce just, inclusive and sustainable cities, defined as a common good essential to a full and decent life".
															contact at right2city.org
															This email was sent to you by the Global Platform for the Right to the City Support Team. 

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