[homeles_ot-l] Human Needs Task Force Updates: Cooling Centres

Alliance To End Homelessness info at endhomelessnessottawa.ca
Fri Jul 10 16:10:27 EDT 2020

Human Needs Task Force / Groupe Travail Besoins Humains
2:50 PM (1 hour ago)

Good afternoon HNTF members,

Please note that the City of Ottawa now has six emergency cooling centres
including City Hall, to offer relief from the heat.

The heat warning from Environment and Climate Change Canada may extend into
the weekend and the City will extend operation of the emergency cooling
centres as warranted. The following is a list of current facilities:

   - Bernard-Grandmaître Arena, 309 McArthur Road
   - Ron Kolbus Lakeside Centre, 102 Greenview Avenue
   - Heron Road Community Centre, 1480 Heron Road
   - Jules Morin Park Fieldhouse, 400 Clarence Street East
   - Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Ave (Lisgar entrance only)
   - McNabb Arena, 180 Percy Street

Please visit ottawa.ca
further details and hours of operation.

Thank you,

*COVID19 Human Needs Task Force/Groupe travail sur les besoins Humains*

Community and Social Services/Services sociaux et communautaires

City of Ottawa/Ville d'Ottawa

Ph. 613.580.2424 x26753 | HNTF_GTBH at ottawa.ca <paris.fotheringham at ottawa.ca>

HNTF Webpage


This e-mail originates from the City of Ottawa e-mail system. Any
distribution, use or copying of this e-mail or the information it contains
by other than the intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. Thank you.

Le présent courriel a été expédié par le système de courriels de la Ville
d'Ottawa. Toute distribution, utilisation ou reproduction du courriel ou
des renseignements qui s'y trouvent par une personne autre que son
destinataire prévu est interdite. Je vous remercie de votre collaboration.


*Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa*
171 George Street, Ottawa ON K1N 5W5
info at endhomelessnessottawa.ca
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