[homeles_ot-l] Upcoming Webinars of the International Webinar Series on Housing First

Tim Aubry Tim.Aubry at uottawa.ca
Thu Apr 22 17:28:52 EDT 2021


International webinar series on Housing First

This webinar series is hosted by the Ontario Housing First Regional Network Community of Interest<https://www.eenet.ca/initiative/housing-first-community-interest#about> (OHFRN‐COI) and the Housing First Europe Hub<https://housingfirsteurope.eu/> (the Hub).

The 10-20%

This session will explore the 10-20% of clients who are unsuccessful in ending their homelessness through participation in a HF program. Presenters will highlight the research, challenges, programs and supports for those who have had difficulty getting stably housed through Housing First; including an innovative model of housing first that blends scattered-site and permanent supported harm reduction housing models seamlessly to meet the needs of program participants.

Date: Thursday, April 29, 2021
Time: 9:30am – 11:00am EDT

Register for this webinar.<https://camh.webex.com/camh/onstage/g.php?MTID=ea3a396ffe5fc43608a73290c047b7bda>

·       Tim Aubry, OHFRN-CoI co-lead, University of Ottawa<https://uniweb.uottawa.ca/members/1026>, Canada
·       Susan Crouse, Executive Director, Horizon Health Network's Salvus Clinic<https://www.salvusclinic.com/>, New Brunswick, Canada
·       Elina Liikanen, Sininauha OY<https://www.sininauhakoti.fi/>, Finland
·       Jordan Mills, Director of Clinical Services, Saskatoon Crisis<https://saskatooncrisis.ca/>, Canada
·       Discussant: Michael Allen, Director of Advocacy, Focus Ireland<https://www.focusireland.ie/about-us/meet-our-team/>

HF and Women

This webinar will examine research and work on the pathways to Housing First for women, families/mothers experiencing homelessness, as well as domestic violence and HF.

Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Time: 9:30am – 11:00am EDT

Register for this webinar.<https://camh.webex.com/camh/onstage/g.php?MTID=e9dc23c6e848bf6e3360e2bf6433b322d>

·       Dr. Saija Turunen, Y-Foundation<https://ysaatio.fi/en/home>, Finland
·       Dr. Cris Sullivan, Michigan State University<https://vaw.msu.edu/people/sullivan/>, USA
·       Dr. Rachel Caplan, Wilfrid Laurier University<https://scholars.wlu.ca/etd/2126/>, Canada
·       Discussant: Dr. Beth Shinn, Vanderbilt University<https://peabody.vanderbilt.edu/bio/marybeth-shinn>, USA
Resources from presenters
·       Sullivan, C., & Olsen, L. (2017). Common ground, complementary approaches: adapting the Housing First model for domestic violence survivors. Housing and Society, 43(3), 182-194. https://doi.org/10.1080/08882746.2017.1323305

Tim Aubry Ph.D, C.Psych.
Professeur / Professor
École de psychologie / School of Psychology
Chercheur / Senior Researcher
Centre de recherche sur les services éducatifs /
Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services
Coordinateur / Coordinator
Microprogramme en évaluation des programmes et politiques sociales et santé /
Microprogram in Evaluation of Social and Health Programs and Policies
Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa
Pavillon Vanier / Vanier Hall 5018
Ottawa, ON
K1N 6N5
Tel.: 613-562-5800 X4815
Bio: https//uniweb.uottawa.ca/#!uottawa/members/1026
Twitter: @TimAubry

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