[homeles_ot-l] Thank you for attending the Climate Change Health and Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Workshop on Extreme Heat + survey and presentation links

Isernhagen, Birgit Birgit.Isernhagen at ottawa.ca
Fri May 26 13:21:34 EDT 2023

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to thank you again for taking part in the Climate Change Health and Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Workshop on Extreme Heat for where people live or stay! We were all very excited about your ideas and feedback.

If anyone would like to revisit the presentation you can find the slide deck attached or see the video here<https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/BJJvSbl1HVxI8UqJ7DkgnAYsbtzYN1Q04U5kydn_t1r60UdUI4F7qM4SFb3tcWZE.U-XAnFHpFEZMsCLp?startTime=1685105184000>.

Feel free to send out the survey link<https://s-ca.chkmkt.com/?e=329794&d=e&h=D58B5150B308D0F&l=en> and video recording<https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/BJJvSbl1HVxI8UqJ7DkgnAYsbtzYN1Q04U5kydn_t1r60UdUI4F7qM4SFb3tcWZE.U-XAnFHpFEZMsCLp?startTime=1685105184000> to others you think would be interested in this topic. The survey will remain open until June 9th.

Our next steps will be to review the information and compile it into a summary report that we can share back with you. If there are any other comments, questions or thoughts feel free to reach out. Have a great weekend!

Warm regards,

Birgit Isernhagen [Beer – get EEE-zern-hagen]
Birgit Isernhagen, M.Sc., EP (she/elle)
Program Planning and Evaluation Officer
Health Hazard Response, Health Protection Services
Ottawa Public Health / Santé publique Ottawa
100 Constellation Dr., Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8
Tel./ tél.: (613) 315-4985
Birgit.Isernhagen at ottawa.ca


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