[Sust-mar] Atlantic Regional Solidarity Network (ARSN) weekend!

Jennifer Melanson juniper at chebucto.ns.ca
Fri Nov 18 12:09:10 EST 2005

Connect - Inform - Examine - Inspire - Reflect

Atlantic Region Solidarity Network (ARSN) 2005
New Visions for Canada and the Americas 

Dec. 2-4, Tatamagouche Centre, Tatamagouche NS.
Join others concerned with Canada's role in Latin America in 
examining alternative visions of solidarity.
Themes to be covered include: 

Venezuela's "revolution for the poor" - supporting an alternative for 
the Americas
Canadian imperialism in the mining sector 
Canada's undermining of democracy in Haiti 
Rethinking solidarity: new visions and actions
And more...... 
Costs: Registration $15,  Food and Accommodation $120 (+ HST), 
billeting and alternate arrangements available to lower costs.
Childcare available on request (registration must be received by the 

Registration Form on the ARSN website 
For more information: www.arsn.ca  / or contact Ramsey Hart (506) 538-
1066 ramsey at arsn.ca 

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