[Sust-mar] GPNS Founding Convention and Leadership Election, Mar. 4

a borboleta as_borboletas at yahoo.ca
Sun Feb 19 10:08:39 EST 2006

     You are cordially invited to take part in the founding convention of the   Green
     Party of Nova Scotia. The Green Party of Nova Scotia is a new   provincial
     political party interested in providing a voice to those with Green values   at
     election time and between elections thereby aiding the development   of
     environmental and social prosperity in Nova Scotia. The founding   convention
     will provide prospective party members the opportunity to shape and adopt   the
     party's constitution, decide on adoption of the Global Green   Charter,
     determine the GPNS' relationship with the Green Party of Canada, vote on   a
     party logo, and elect the first GPNS Leader and Executive Officers.
     The convention will be held on Saturday March 4th and Sunday March 5th   2006 at
     the Mi'qmak (Micmac) Native Friendship Center, 2151 Gottingen   Street,
     Halifax, NS. The convention is being organized by co-chairs Chris   Alders
     (chrisalders at inscapepublications.com, [902] 678-0326) and Lisa   Budney
     (lbudney at dal.ca [902] 431-9448), and registration coordinator Jen   Legere
     (greenjenlegere at hotmail.com). The fee for the convention is to recover   the
     costs associated with the convention and help defray travel costs of   those
     traveling a distance to attend the convention should there be money left   to do
     so. If you feel you cannot afford to attend the convention for   financial
     reasons, please contact Chris, Lisa or Jen and we can attempt to   make
     arrangements so you can attend the convention. We'd prefer if people
     registered prior to the convention so we can provide the caterers with   the
     appropriate numbers and set up the room to accommodate everyone. A   file
     containing the registration form  can be found in the Files section of   this yahoo 
     The election of the first leader of the GPNS will be a main event at   convention.
     The leadership race guidelines follow this invitation.
     If you're thinking about running for leader or an executive officer   position
     please bring a short (1 page max.) biography to post during the   convention..
     As a way of endeavouring to keep the cost of attending the convention low   for
     attendees, we encourage people living in the HRM to open their homes and   billet
     convention attendees. We are negotiating with hotels in the area for   reduced
     rates for the convention weekend. The convention will provide snacks,   lunch and
     beverage services to convention registrants on Saturday and Sunday.
     There are many ways you can help make the GPNS a successful political   party. You
     can attend the convention. You can forward this message on to people that   may
     be interested in being GPNS members. You can join the contact list and be   kept
     up to date with future opportunities to be involved with the party even if   you
     can't attend the convention. You can make a donation of time or money to   the
     convention. Please contact Chris, Lisa or Jen if you would like to be   a
     convention volunteer.
     If you're undecided about attending the convention please contact   Lisa
     (lbudney at dal.ca) to be added to an email list so you can be kept up to   date on
     the latest information about the convention. If you have any questions   about
     the convention please contact Lisa, Chris or Jen.
     Lisa Budney and Chris Alders
     (Co-chairs of the Founding Convention of the Green Party of Nova Scotia)   
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