[Sust-mar] FW: FW: Call for Support Against Pollution in Trenton

Brendan Haley energy at ecologyaction.ca
Mon May 8 14:02:47 EDT 2006

From: sadieb at ns.sympatico.ca [mailto:sadieb at ns.sympatico.ca]
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 6:56 PM
To: energy at ecologyaction.ca
Cc: morganbrandy at hotmail.com
Subject: Call for Support Against Pollution in Trenton


Dear Concerned Nova Scotians,

I am writing to you today to ask for your support.  The residents who live
close the Nova Scotia Power’s Trenton generating station are feeling the
effects of the power plants pollution.

Our front yards are covered in black fly ash, we have health problems, the
paint is stripped off our cars, and we can’t eat food from our gardens and
are worried about drinking the water.

On Tuesday, May 9th we will picketing and handing out letters at the Annual
General Meeting of Emera, Nova Scotia Power’s parent company.  WE NEED YOUR

A number of people will be coming from the Pictou County area, but we need
others from around the province as well.  Please join us to fight Nova
Scotia Power’s pollution throughout the province.

We will begin our picket at 1:00 pm outside of the World Trade and
Convention Centre at 1800 Argyle Street in Halifax.  Please join us.  You
can bring signs calling for an end to pollution from coal-fired power

We have attached the letter we seek to distribute below.  We have limited
funds.  Please consider, making copies of this letter and coming to hand it
out to shareholders with us on Tuesday.

In appreciation,

Peter Boyles
Trenton/Hillside Resident
Home (902) 755-3938
e-mail: morganbrandy at hotmail.com

Dear Emera Shareholder,

We the people of Pictou County, Nova Scotia are asking the shareholders of
Emera to “STOP” discharging harmful emissions from the Nova Scotia Power
Trenton Generating Station.

Pollution emissions are making people sick, eating the paint off of our
properties, and polluting our drinking water.  We want our children to have
clean air and clean water.  Surely, you want the same thing for your

Nova Scotia Power has to clean up its mess.  For the sake of our community
and all Nova Scotians we insist that Nova Scotia Power’s Trenton Unit #5 be
immediately shut-down as a first step towards phasing out coal generation in
Nova Scotia, and that all possible pollution control measures be taken in
the interim.

Is a corporate bottom line really worth the damage to our health and
environment?  We need Nova Scotia Power to stop hurting our health and our

For Additional Information Contact

Peter Boyles
Home (902) 755-3938
e-mail: morganbrandy at hotmail.com

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