[Sust-mar] Ecosystem Monitoring Training

Andy Sharpe & Caroline Hancock hancocksharpe at doctors.org.uk
Fri May 4 20:38:21 EDT 2007

EMAN Ecosystem Monitoring Training Session
Wolfville, NS, Saturday May 26th - Monday May 28th, 2007

The Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network Coordinating Office, in
cooperation with Parks Canada, the Clean Annapolis River Project, the
Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute, and other partners will be hosting 
Ecosystem Monitoring Training Workshop. Participants will receive 
on ecosystem monitoring frameworks, study design, and field training in 
EMAN standardized monitoring protocols for terrestrial ecosystems,
including plot based vegetation, tree health, salamanders, arboreal
lichens, soil decomposition, downed woody debris, invasive plant species
monitoring, amphibian surveys, and bird monitoring, among others.
Information management and mechanisms to communicate research results 
policy and decision-making will also be addressed.  The course will be
free, however there will be costs associated with accommodation and 

For more information or to register please contact Heather Andrachuk at
(905) 336-4411 or at heather.andrachuk at ec.gc.ca.
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