[Sust-mar] Special ENGO Energy & Climate Change Strategy Session on Friday, Nov. 9 at 2pm

NSEN nsen at cen-rce.org
Thu Nov 1 14:17:50 EDT 2007

Special ENGO Strategy Session on the Nova Scotia Energy Strategy + Climate
Change Action Plan

Friday, November 9
2:00-4:00 PM
Boardroom of the Ecology Action Centre
2705 Fern Lane (corner with  May St. between Robie St. and Agricola St.)

The Nova Scotia Department of Energy is seeking public input on a new Energy
Strategy and a Climate Change Action Plan for the province. NSEN is
organizing a strategy session to provide general information to our members
and concerned citizens about what is going on, to discuss ways we can
coordinate a response and to help people engage in the consultation. We
encourage people to review the background documents prior to the meeting on
November 9.  Hard copies of the strategy and plan will also be available at
the strategy session. *We will also be planning an event for December 8th:
International Day of Action on Climate Change. Please help us organize
something for Nova Scotia!

The background documents:
(1) Nova Scotia Energy Strategy

(2) Climate Change Action Plan

More information about the consultations from the Nova Scotia Department of
Energy can be found here:

This strategy session is organized by the Nova Scotia Environmental Network.
Space is limited. To attend, Please RSVP to Tamara Lorincz, Executive
Director, nsen at cen-rce.org or call 454-6846.

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