[Sust-mar] RUSH we have 2 days /Equal rights for all NS Municipalities to ban pesticides /plain text

Helen Jones hjones at chebucto.ns.ca
Wed Apr 23 09:25:02 EDT 2008



This week, changes to the Municipal Government Act will be debated in the NS
Legislative Assembly starting this Thursday, April 24. 
We need an amendment to allow municipalities the right to regulate and
prohibit cosmetic pesticides, as is the case in the rest of Canada

Pesticide Free Nova Scotia urges you to -
Please take 5 minutes to help ban pesticides

The Nova Scotia Legislature will reconvene on April 24. There is a lot of
pressure on the government to allow ALL municipalities the right to ban
pesticides. But the PC government is still saying they are not sure if they
will bring the issue up in this session of the legislature. The Liberals,
the NDP and the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities ALL SUPPORT THIS CHANGE.
A flood of letters to key government ministers, Jamie Muir (Municipal
Relations) and Mark Parent (Environment) RIGHT NOW could make the difference
in convincing the government to bring forward this issue and PASS IT NOW.

Please send a simple letter, such as the one below, right now. The
government will decide by April 24 whether to put this issue on the agenda.
(Letters after April 24 will still help to keep the pressure on.)  

Sample letter   


Dear Ministers Muir and Parent,

Please immediately change the Municipal Government Act to allow all
municipalities in Nova Scotia the power to ban cosmetic landscape

Justice Demands Nova Scotia citizens have the same rights as other




The Honourable Barry Barnet - Minister of Health Promotion and Protection:
Barnetbe at gov.ns.ca  

The Honourable Jamie Muir - Minister of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal
Relations: SNSMRMIN at gov.ns.ca 

The Honourable Chris d'Entremont - Minister of Health: dentreca at gov.ns.ca 

The Honourable Mark Parent - Minister of Environment: min_el at gov.ns.ca 

The Honourable Rodney MacDonald, Premier of Nova Scotia: Premier at gov.ns.ca 
Charlie Parker, NDP:  charlieparkermla at ns.aliantzinc.ca ,
<mailto:ndpcaucus at gov.ns.ca> ndpcaucus at gov.ns.ca    
Keith Colwell and Diana Whalen, Liberal Party  <mailto:colwelkw at gov.ns.ca>
colwelkw at gov.ns.ca ,  <mailto:diana.whalen at ns.sympatico.ca>
whalendc at gov.ns.ca ,  <mailto:lco at gov.ns.ca> lco at gov.ns.ca




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